shopping pt. 2

516 38 1

Jin: Six

Yoongi and Hoseok: Five

Namjoon: Four

Jimin and Taehyung: Three

Jungkook: Two


Misun sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose.

"Okay, we get home we're gonna have a good talk. For now, Yoongi you get in the cart and Taehyung too." While talking, Misun helped the two kids in the cart and was off to a bench in the mall to think about the whereabouts of the lost ones.

She looked at the one who freed the youngest "Yoongi, where did Jungkook go? And please tell me honestly, now is not the time to mess around."

Under her hard stare Yoongi lifted his finger, pointing toward a toy store. "He wanted plushies and legos."

"Let's go." Misun stood up, pushing the cart toward the said store. For once, both boys were cooperating, looking around in the store for their youngest brother.

Cries suddenly erupted in one of the aisle, cries that Misun recognised instantly. "Jungkook!" Running toward the source of those cries, she found the small boy in the arm of the store's biggest teddy bear, a woman with her own children in front of him.

"Are you lost, little one?" The woman kindly asked. This only made Jungkook cry harder, as he was beginning to understand in which situation he was."Mi-Mi! Jun-Jungkook lost Mimi!"

"I'm here, I'm here sweetheart!" Misun rushed to the poor boy, cradling him in her arms. "Shhhh... I'm here now, everything's okay baby." She sent a thankful smile to the woman, who soon left.

Once Jungkook was calm, she buckled him back in the cart, already thinking about finding her next child: Jimin.

"Okay Tae, any idea where your twin could be?" She looked at the stores around her, hoping to find her losts boys.

Jungkook suddenly yelled, scaring both Misun and his brothers. "Food! Mi, food" He turned in his seat, looking in the pastry shop they were passing by.

"No, we're not getting food, Kookie, we're looking for your brothers. You'll get food at home." She continued to walk in the mall, getting more anxious each passing second.

A light bulb appeared in her head at the sight of the book store. "I know where namjoon is!" She ran in the store, and Namjoon was actually here, immersed in the little book he was reading. He was getting stares from people, them wondering why and how such a young kid was reading a book that was supposedly for 6-7 years old children.

"Namjoon! Thank god I found you! Never run off like that again, do you hear me?"

Namjoon, who had stopped reading the moment he heard his name, confusedly stared at Misun. "But I left not long ago and I told Seokjin Hyung where I was?"

Misun crouched to his level, explaining "Namjoon-ah, It's been half-an-hour at least that you left and Seokjin left too. And if you want to go somewhere, tell me and I will go with you okay?" She took his hand and led him to the cart in front of the store.

"'M sorry Mimi, I won't do it again." He lowered his gaze to the floor, regretful of his actions.

"It's okay, what happened, happened." She looked at the boys in the cart, trying to understand the situation. Taehyung was trying to get Jungkook to say 'Mimi' instead of 'Mi' but Jungkook just kept saying "Food! Mi, food!" while Yoongi was trying to get them silent.

"Okay, okay! Boys calm down!" Misun put a finger on the two youngest one's mouth in a shush motion, succeedingly shushing them. "Taehyung, it's not a big deal if he's not saying it correctly. He'll get it later eventually. And Kook, for the second time, no we aren't getting food now, we will eat at home." Retreating her hands, she pushed the cart after checking that Namjoon was in it. She just found him, she wasn't going to lose him anytime soon.

"Misun, the kiddo is right. Jimin and Hoseok are in the pastry shop we passed by earlier." Yoongi spoke up, causing Misun to stop.

For two reasons: one, the pastry shop was the opposite way they were going right now, and two, did Yoongi just say 'kiddo'?

Taehyung's burst of laughter answered her question. "Kiddo! Yoongi just said kiddo!" Calming down, he put a serious face on and turned toward his brother. "Yoongi, you're a grandpa." His statement made, he lost his composure and laughed again, harder than the first time.

"Yah! I'm still older than you!"

Shaking her head with a small smile, Misun turned around going to the pastry shop.

When they reached the small shop, Misun immediately spotted the duo talking with the owner of the small business.

"Jimin! Hoseok!" Misun shouted in relief, running up to the two youngsters and giving them a bone crushing hug. "Oh thank god you two are ok! Do you have any idea how worried i was?" She says, pulling away to give them a stern look before returning to their hug.

"Sorry Mimi, this nice man was going to take us to the reception" Hoseok started, only to have his sentence finished by Jimin.

"Because we told him that we had lost you and didn't know what to do."

Misun then turns and looks up at the man who helped her two boys, "Thank you so so much I don't know what i would have done if I didn't find these two troublemakers."

"It's really no problem love, couldn't let these two just wander 'round, anything could happen to 'em." He replies kindly, ruffling Jimin's fluffy hair.

"Right," Misun starts, turning to the kids in the shopping cart, "Jungkook, Yoongi, Taehyung, Namjoon, Jimin, Hoseok." She counts, "So that means that it's just Jin now." She turns back to the owner of the small shop who is now back behind the counter, awaiting new customers, "Thank you again, I really appreciate it!" She says, giving him a thankful smile before gathering the kids and leaving the store.

"Mimi!" Jungkook yells, tugging on Misun's shirt, trying to get her attention.

"Yes Jungkook?" She answers, looking down at the toddler sitting in the trolley.

"Where is Jinnie?" He asks with a pout.

"I'm not sure Kookie, we are going to find him now." She reassures, walking around the mall once more.

It's 15 minutes later of Misun and the boys walking around the mall in search of their eldest child and they still haven't found him. Whilst the boys are still eager to find him and hopeful that he will be in the next store they look in, Misun is starting to lose hope of finding him.

"Oh god, I'm not going to be able to find him." Misun whispers to herself, not intending for any of the boys to hear, but they do anyway.

"Don't lose hope Mimi!"

"He can't be far!"

"We'll find him Mi!"

"He is smart! He will come back to us!"

"He'll find us Misunie!"

Each boy yells, trying to reassure their mother figure. She just sighs and sits down on one of the benches which line the mall. The boys do the same, sitting next to her and pulling her into a hug. Jin even got Jungkook out of the shopping cart to join the hug.

"Here, let me help you.

Wait! Jin!

Misun looks up, a huge sigh of relief escaping her lips as she escapes the hug and picks up Jin, burying his head in her shoulder.

"I'm so sorry Mimi! I saw Jungkook wonder off and tried to follow him but it was too crowded and I got lost!" He exclaimed, tears streaming down his face. Misun just nods and pulls him closer, unable to speak as relief washes over her, knowing that she has all 7 children back.

The family left the mall after that, not taking any more chances of the children getting lost. It is silent on the car ride back to the house. Not uncomfortable though, just them enjoying each other's company after the stressful day they have had.

"Can we have cookies when we get home?"

"Are you kidding me?? No! You all gave me a heart attack! No TV either for tonight."


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