A few days after the wedding Felicia realised she was prego. After a bit of talking they decided on Jesus (HeY-ZuES) soon he was born. But let's go back a little.
Felicia and Carlos were married for only 2 months before they split up now, they dident actually devorce but the got separate homes and Felicia took the kids. Carlos was upset but he got to see the kids when the were dumped on him so Felicia could do hoe stuff. (This was quite often)
The kids really hated this and Carlos planned on taking them when the divorce came. But that's another story.
Anyway this day was Felicias day off so she had the kids. Alfredo was really pissed about this and this little 7 year old started to drag his mom.
"Mom why are you such a frickin hoe"
"Shut up you little shit, if not for me you would not even be here!"
" No, if not for DAD I wouldn't be here! "
"Shut up before I drop you of at jewly a.k.a "karens" house you ugly ape"
"Mom your the worst mom ever and a hoe smh"
"Go to to fucken bed"After this the kids Went to Carlos' house and explained what happend.