Part 2

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Yup, there is sex. Make sure no chilren are around or parents (I see you edgy teens) 

Harry would be hard-pressed to describe the change to someone else, but he could see the subtle shift in his father's features. Ron might not have recognized Severus' earlier softness, but Harry had. Where Severus had appeared slightly tipsy a moment before, he was now perfectly sober and stabbing Lucius with piercing, narrowed eyes.

"Now, Severus," Lucius said. "Surely you did not intimidate even Draco to silence?"

Harry darted a glance at Draco, but quickly reverted his focus to their fathers.

"This is not up for discussion," Severus ground out, angrier than Harry had seen him in a long time.

Lucius' contemplative gaze landed on Harry, weighing and measuring him. For what, Harry had no idea, but he intended to find out. Whatever was going on, he recognized that Lucius, and apparently everyone else, had placated Severus until this moment and now Severus was being forced to face the issue when he had nowhere to run.

"No," Severus said sharply. "I will never force him to do such a thing."

"It is his choice."

"No," Severus repeated. "I am his father and I refuse, which therefore leaves him with no decision to make."

"Draco has chosen," Lucius said.

Severus' head whipped around to face Draco.

Draco sat up a little straighter as he gave Severus a curt nod.

"Draco, it is not necessary."

"I am proud to be bonded into the Snape family," Draco said, the pride he spoke of reflected clearly in his voice.

Severus' eyes closed. "Lucius, you can not ask me to . . ."

"To honour the traditions of our world?"

"To mark your son!" Severus shouted, snapping his eyes open to glare at Lucius furiously. "And I will not allow you to mark Harry!"

Harry could only blink as an uncomfortable silence descended over the room.

"Perhaps we should take this discussion somewhere more private," Lucius suggested.

Severus could've easily killed Lucius with his glare and Harry privately thought Lucius should be thankful no one had ever been able to replicate the basilisk's magic. With an imperious gesture indicating they should follow, Severus swept from the room.


"Yes, Harry?"

"I think you're sleeping on the proverbial couch tonight."


Draco's sidelong glance was incredulous, but he kept his mouth shut. Harry thought that was a rather smart decision on his part, as he was the only one not to be caught by the venomous glare cast over Severus' shoulder.

Severus stalked a short ways down the empty corridor before suddenly spinning on his heel to face them. Harry felt it best not to mention that it didn't have nearly the same effect when he was wearing red dress robes rather than his billowing black robes.

While he did want to know what this was all about, he chose to lean against the stone wall next to Draco and let their fathers fight it out first. As they faced off, Harry debated as to whether or not wands would actually be drawn and found himself feeling a little disappointed when Dumbledore and Mrs. Weasley joined them.

Mrs. Weasley was the next poor soul to be killed by Severus' glare, although Harry wasn't certain why she'd earned his wrath.

"Surely you do not condone this?" he spat.

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