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(1475 words)
um so this is here. it's very long and kind of slow and dosent have a great ending but i think it is a good capture of both Bucky's scary and uwu sides. comment if you're interested in a part 2! ( )
Staring at the expanse of white walls, you felt a compulsive need shoot through you. You've never liked open blank spaces. Your style was more pictures, notes, reminders... stuff everywhere, leaving no surface blank and boring. You doubted that the owner of the building would let you paint each room a different vibrant color, at least while you're still renting the space. At your old apartment, there was an entire wall dedicated to your book collection. You glanced at the floor,  boxes covering the wood like a a cardboard carpet. The moving company has done their job, now you need to do yours.
First thing first: music
Music has always been a big part of your life, and your favorite music to work to? Pop punk. an acquired taste, but the rhythm, beat, and volume helped distract yourself from over-focusing on any task. Once your phone was hooked up to your speaker, the 1975 playing on full blast, and hair pulled back, you were ready to get to work.
Boxes in assigned rooms? done
Taking stuff out of boxes? done
Now the fun part; organizing
"no we're never gonna quit it, no we're never gonna quit it, no" you hummed along to Chocolate, the volume drowning your off key notes in a wave of bass and rhythm.
The new apartment building was small, but not a bad size for the city. There were 7 floors in the apartment building you moved into, and you recently acquired the 7th apartment on that lucky 7th floor. When you chose the apartment, your superstitious mother texted you daily facts about unlucky number 7, but you had always brushed her off with a chuckle. The corner apartment gives you a perfect view of the city, it's about a 5 minute walk from your work, and it's pretty cheap. For the city of course.
Feeling vibrations from your back pocket, you quickly paused the music and answered the phone call.
"Dude. Tell me all about it. I want to feel like I'm in the room with you."
The familiar voice of your best friend Jay filled your ears, calming your cleaning high. "It is absolutely gorgeous. I can't even begin to tell you." you replied, awe in your voice, while glancing around the room in front of you.
"Y/N, this was so perfect for you. You find the perfect job, then the perfect apartment? Soon the perfect man will be banging on your door." you could hear their wishful thinking from across the city...
"Hey hey, remember, I said that I gotta get settled before I worry about any relationship. Plus, I doubt anyone will want to knock on this door anytime soon. If ya know what I mean..."
Chuckling together, you made your way to the large window overlooking the city below. It was the highlight of the makeshift living room. The view was amazing. Not too high, but the people on the street still looked small. Staring out at the city's landscape, and all the people moving around, trapped in their own heads, you felt an unfamiliar sense of loneliness.
"Y/N? You there?" Jay's reassuring voice centered and woke you from your daze.
"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine."
"Hey listen, I actually gotta run... Turns out that bosses don't like it when you make personal calls on the clock. I'll call you tonight okay?"
Laughing, you agreed and ended the call. Your finger hovered over the play button, ready to throw yourself back into The 1975 and housework when solid knock echoed through the empty house, bouncing between bare walls. Confusion creased your face as you slowly and cautiously made your way to the front door. Your fingers touched the cold metallic handle of the door, as you put on your "bitch face", ready to make it clear that you're not the neighbor to ask for a cup of sugar. You swing the dark door in towards your body and your tense face immediately relaxes. Not with comfort. With pleasure. The man standing on the other side of the doorframe was one of the most beautiful men you've ever seen. Your eyes slowly make their way up his body, sizing him up. He had a built, powerful frame. Clearly he had taken advantage of the gym in the basement... His oversized t-shirt didn't give your imagination much to work with, but his arms... Your mind immediately wandered to what he could do to you with those arms. Arms lead to hands, and your mind was wandering all over again.
He cleared his throat, making your gaze snap to his eyes. Oh the instant regret. Ice blue, and almost as cold. You sensed your pupils dilate, your body's chemicals betraying you.
"I... I am so sorry" you tripped over your words, trying to regain the cool you had maintained before laying eyes on the Greek God in front of you. Glancing down the hall quickly, trying to avoid his gaze, you saw other residents through the hall peeking through cracks in their doors. Confusion overwhelmed you, then instant anxiety. While you were outgoing when it came to your friends, unwanted attention made you extremely nervous. And of course when you're nervous... you make an even bigger fool of yourself. Leaning over the doorway to peer into the hall, you realize that you've invaded the personal space of the chiseled stranger on your doorstep.
"Oh dear..." you immediately back up and motion him to join you inside. He crossed the doorway and glanced from corner to corner. You flushed red when you realized what a mess it was. Hopefully he would be understanding of the fact that you literally moved in 2 hours ago.  "I uh I'm sorry about the mess, but I'm sure you know I just loved in." Focusing your anxious gaze onto your new apartment-mate, you see his gaze shifting around the room, and then settling back onto your face. The uncomfortable silence made you remember the situation at hand. This guy was a STRANGER. In a brand new apartment building where you knew no one. For all you know this could be a murder. With these cautious thoughts overtaking your instincts, bitch face was back. "So..." you started questioningly, "was there a reason you interrupted my unpacking or was it just for kicks?" Whether you were looking for a smile or a look of annoyance, you received neither. Those blue eyes stared at you from your kitchen, asking a question that you couldn't quite put your finger on. "Look if this is some sort of building initiation... It's really creeping me out and I would like some background information please." Sighing, the stranger stood up straighter and eased his gaze.
"My name is Bucky. I live next door. Please turn down your obnoxious music before I call the building manager." His clipped words didn't surprise you, but the fact that you had this stunning man as a neighbor did. When you looked at the apartment, you were told that most of the people were elderly.
"Okay Bucky," you shot back with equal sass, "My name is y/n and let me start by apologizing for the volume but I will NOT apologize for the type of music I listen to. I'm sure you'll be happy to know that my 'yay i'm moving' high was ruined by your infuriating behavior." Sighing in satisfaction, you watch his face soften a little bit more.
"y/n huh?"
"Yes creeper."
Bucky chuckled at your reply. Seeing his smirk, and the way that his body gently rocked made you smile. Remembering how he barged into your apartment, your demeanor hardened again. "Is there anything else I can help you with today Bucky?" The blue of his eyes shocked you once again when they looked at you with some sort of affection.
"Uh okay so... I never do this..." Bucky stated, stepping closer to you, "but you've made quite the impression. You mentioned that you're moving in." He gestured to the piles of boxes behind you as he stands with his hands in his pockets, looking almost shy. "If you decide that company and friendly conversation would be better than that garbage you were playing earlier, uh feel free to knock. I'm over in 6." Your jaw dropped when you realize his shift in attitude was sincere. Blushing, you look down, avoiding his inquisitive gaze. 
"I will." you mumble.
"Okay. Cool." Turning away from you, Bucky slowly let himself out of your apartment. Once he shut the wooden door behind him, you took a deep breath, unintentionally inhaling his cologne that wafted behind him. 'sex' immediately came to mind as you shoo your head to escape the thoughts. He's your neighbor. Imagine how weird it would be if anything ever happened. It wouldn't be worth it. Right...?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2020 ⏰

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