Grady & Edaline

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Hello! How are you guys? Hope you're good. I've been *mostly* okay, except my mom's been making me go for runs. I am not built for running😂.

Grady POV

Me: Eda, That Boy is here.
Eda❤️: Who, Keefe?
Me: Yes. He shouldn't be here. Can I kick him out?
Eda❤️: No😂 Just let them be, maybe something will finally happen between them😉. Poor Keefe's been waiting forever, anyway. And let's face it, Sophie really does like him.
Me: no
Me: she's still 12
Me: she's not allowed to get a boyfriend until she's AT LEAST 500
                  —YOU called EDA❤️ at 11:08—
Me: Why won't you pick up? Please Eda I don't know what to do!!!
Eda❤️: I cant talk to you when you're all worked up
Me: worked up? Me? Psh, never. I'm the calm one. Why don't we just let our precious little girl have the house to herself and That Boy could have a sleepover with her
Eda❤️: while I appreciate the sentiment, I wouldn't go that far...
Me: I was being sarcastic!!!!!!
Eda❤️: and here I thought you were making improvement. 😔
Me: I'll Mesmerize him. That'll get him out.
Eda❤️: She's 16. What do you think's going to happen? Worst cast scenario (for you anyway) is that they kiss a bit
Me: kiss? They're much too young to kiss
Eda❤️: I know, what's next, holding hands? Going on dates? The horror!🙄
Me: I'm going to bring them a snack
Eda❤️: That's... unusually nice of you
Me: every five minutes😈
Eda❤️: why don't you come to Atlantis with me and we'll get some dinner? That new human food restaurant just opened and the reviews are AMAZING
Me: but... That Boy is here
Eda❤️: Ice cream, vegetarian tacos...
Me: fine
Eda❤️: Great! See you in 30 minutes? I'll meet you at the fountain😊
Me: I love you, Eda
Eda❤️: I love you, too, even though you can be a BIT too overprotective sometimes.
Me: ...
Eda❤️: see you there!

That's it for now... I'll try to update as much as I can!! Let me know who you want me to do next!! Bye!!

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