A letter

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(Jayden's POV)
The atrocious smell of alcohol, sweat, and filth filled the air. Tortuga the city of alcoholics and people living without regret, anyone who lived here could get out of almost anything and everything. I was currently sitting at the bar drinking without care trying to get drunk but unable to. I heard a knock on the bar table as I took a gulp of my rum. "Excuse me ma'am." "What do you want mate?" I asked the man beside me. I turned to look at him, and saw he was young-looking and looked quite fit, with a well-defined jawline and bronzed skin. Brown eyes to match his skin which seemed I gleam under the light. "Pardon me, I meant how can I help you?" "I just here to transmit a letter ma'am." He replied, I took the letter while gently caressing my fingers along his arm, which made him tense up from the contact. "It seems like this letter wasn't the only gift sent to me," I said, my voice sounding like dripping honey.

I managed to induce him into staying for a glass as we sat down and chatted, slowly... bit by bit, getting him drunk. I hardly knew him and didn't know his name but I disregarded the fact because I needed this. We continued dancing and flirting together until we both had a bit to much liquor. The flirting became more and more until we started making out with each other aggressively. Our lips both moved aggressively fighting for dominance. His hands roamed all over my body and moans filled the air. The feeling of wetness on my neck as we stumbled to the upstairs of the bar and into my hotel room. The door was slammed shut as the man carried me to the bed and sat me on his lap grinding on me. The night became a blur as I felt unaware of my situation and darkness wash over.

Before I knew it I woke up with a bad headache. I was in my hotel bed under the sheets naked with the same guy who delivered the letter. (The letter!) I scrambled falling out of bed and rush to grab some clothes. I put on my black shirt that was a bit too big and wore it covering my self just to about above the knees. looked over to the bedside table and saw the brown colored envelope, it had no sender and had odd ends that were burnt. I took out a small dagger of mine and cut open the envelope.

        little sis, Jayden

It's your brother here. Yup! Still haven't died yet, I escaped the island I was left on my Barbossa by riding turtles! Would you imagine that? But anyways I need your help. As much as I would hate to admit it I'm left with nothing after that and I need my ship back. I have decided to go back after the Black Pearl. So please just this one mission and I'll stop asking for your help.

I need help,
         Your brother,
                     Jack Sparrow

p.s. You would most likely find me at Bucolic town of Port Royal.

p.p.s. If you don't find me there it's because you were too late and I already found a new boat and a new crew.

I smiled at his horrendously written letter and how he most likely wrote it while he was drunk due to the messy writing. I put it in my pocket, grabbed all of my clothes, putting them on, and strapped up fastening my sword, gun, and knives. I grabbed my bow along with the arrows and fastened it on my back, the bow had always been my strong suit. It was weird to see a female with weapons, but at least that's what made people more scared of me no one really heard about a female fighting so when people heard that I had won fights against some of the strongest and most respected men, people feared me even more.

I looked back at the man naked in bed one last time before heading out. (No regrets) These things never really meant anything but it was fine, I guess I did it to satisfy my need of wanting someone but it could never fully make me happy. So I move on and find someone else just to repeat the process. I walked out to the dock while putting up my hood so that no one could recognize me and when to try to buy a boat. I made a lot of money from my line of work, my family line was always pirate but that wasn't me. Many people called me the odd one or said that I didn't belong, and to be honest, they were right. So I stopped being a pirate and found something else. I wasn't always proud of it but it made me famous, rich, successful, and respected. It was enough to get me by.

"Do you have a ship for sale mate?" I asked "None of them are for sale sorry! Look somewhere else!" The scruffy man said rather rudely I slowly lifted my hood up revealing my bloodshot red-colored eyes and piercing white hair that I had always had since birth. The man shuddered while his face went pale with fear. I put my hood back on and told him "Now judging from your reaction you know who I am. And what you said just now didn't sit too well with me just now, so... In return how bout this, give me a fast ship." I leaned in close to his ear and whispered "Or else I will kill everyone and everything you love so slowly that it will feel like an eternity, and once I'm done torturing everyone you love I will let you watch as they are eaten to death by the sharks. Then when it's your turn I torture you too but now that everything you love is gone there will be no hope. After that when you are at the brink of death I'll hang you in the center of town while you slowly die so that the last words you hear are people saying how you were dumb enough to challenge a Sparrow."

I took a step back and said "So instead of that happening I will gladly take one of your ships without paying- well because they aren't for sale and you can't buy something that's not for sale. And you dear sir will always remember this day as the day that death just showed you mercy." I lifted up my hood a bit giving him a wink, before walking off to a nice smaller ship that could travel quickly. I removed the anchor and opened up the sales setting course for Port Royal.

I sailed for 3 days straight barely eating but it was worth it for I had arrived at Bucolic and was closer to finding my brother. I arrived at the dock and hopped off making my way to town. "Hey! You have to pay a docking fee!" I turned around to the man and said "Consider the precious gift of your life and still being alive as my fee already paid." I said while dramatically bowing to him. My outfit was thick and heavy I was wearing a cloak that covered my whole face but that was the least of my worries. Right now I needed to find Jack and hopefully find food on the way.

Just as I was thinking I was hit by a wooden case right in the face. I panicked hoping that my hood was still on I sighed in relief until I heard a small cough. "I am so so sorry about that! I didn't see you there!" The man said "it's pretty hard not to see me considering I'm 5,10." "Please let me help you." He gave me his hand which felt rough but strong at the same time. (Shoot! He probably from the military or a pirate! Either one would be bad.) He pulled me up to where I was standing. He was only a tad bit taller than me but the situation soon turned awkward as he was still holding my hand. "Umm..." "Oh! Sorry, forgive me once more! But I couldn't help but notice your hands are soft, you're a woman!" "Anything wrong with that?" I asked "No it's just we don't see many women wearing that sort of attire. But I apologize once more. Is there anything I could do in return for hitting you?" He asked "I'm not from around here so that could explain the attire. But if you would like to apologize I was feeling a bit hungry, any good recommendations?" I asked

"This way for sure." He said leading the way through the market. We eventually came to a small bakery while the smell of bread and cakes filled the air, it smelled glorious. "This place has the best bakes. I personally recommend the bread." I gave a simple nod and order one loaf. "May I ask what's with the hood?" "It's always been something I wore in public, made me feel safer for some reason. Maybe it's because no one would look at me like a woman." I said "Then what shall I call you?" The man asked "hmm.. how bout Miss Hood." I said "Hmm, it's fascinating. Then you shall call me Smith short for the blacksmith." We shuck hands meeting each other properly this time "Here the bread sir." The woman said to me.

"Well looks like this is where we part. But out of curiosity may I ask what's in the box?" I questioned "It a sword, for the governor." "You make swords? Interesting! Well I bid you a good day Mr. Blacksmith." "You as well Miss Hood!" we parted ways and ate the bread while walking down the street. I smiled at our encounter. He had some facial hair and somewhat long and shaggy hair that was pulled back into a clean man-bun. He looked around my age maybe a little older but he was handsome and a kind person. He was the first person I had ever met that wasn't persistent in knowing my identity and provided me with some good company,  he was honest and kind, someone I'll remember.

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