9, 23 - JJ

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THE POGUES had decided that they were going to throw a kegger, something we did often when we needed a break from reality. The three boys left to go get the keg whilst Kiara and I left to go get the cups.

"So you and JJ huh?" she questions shooting me a knowing smirk. I laugh at her action nodding "Yeah I guess so." I smile down at the ground. Me and JJ had started dating a month ago but hadn't told the other pogues until now. We could finally act like a couple infront of people and I was over the moon.

Kiara passed me a stack of red solo cups as we walked towards the beach. "You guys are cute together," she comments absentmindedly smiling to her self. My heart swells, i had always thought the the rest of the pogues would hate the fact that me and JJ were macking but it felt nice that they supported us fully. "Aw thanks Kie," I smile at her as she brings me into a quick side hug "Anytime." she smiles softly.

The kegger had just started to get into full swing, people stood around talking and laughing as they drunk out of their red solo cups as the soft music played in the background. JJ stood close to me talking to a guy who was on vacation from Arizona. I tapped JJs arm pointing at John B and Pope, signalling that I was going to go speak to them. He nodded as I turned away walking to the boys.

"Hey guys," I smile interrupting their conversation "Hey," they both spoke nodding down at me "Wha-" Pope was cut off by Rafe "Hey Pogues." he smirked lifting up his cup. Within seconds JJs arms were snaking around my waist "Hey Rafe," I replied, desperate to keep the conversation civil. Rafes eyes fell on looking me up and down before landing on JJ. "Hey y/n did i ever tell you your hot for a pogue?" he smiles teasingly taking a swig out of his cup. JJ arms leave my waist as he steps foward "Dude, watch your mouth." He spoke squaring up to Rafe. Rafe laughed coldly shaking his head "Yeah? What are you going to do about it, I think your girlfriends hot." I step foward quickly grabbings JJs arm and pulling him away from the group "Are you kidding me JJ, stop being so over protective, you could've handled that situation so much better." I scold shaking my head at him.

He avoids looking into my eyes, clenching his jaw "Whatever." he shrugs looking anywhere else but me. I roll my eyes at his childish behavior and make my way to another group of familiar people. JJ stands silently beside me rolling his eyes whenever I talked to a boy and clenching his jaw angrily. I ignored his behavior talking to anyone and everyone before the party started to disperse. JJ still hadn't spoken a word and refused to talk to me or leave my side.

the pogues finally regrouped trying to decide who would take the keg back "Me and JJ can take the keg back," I volunteer as the rest nod in response smiling at the way JJs acting. "we'll meet back at my place then," John B grins saluting us as the rest leave the beach.

JJ clenches his jaw as I try picking up the kegger myself. I groan looking at him desperate for help. He rolls his eyes at me picking it up with ease and walking it to my car. He was silent as we climbed into the car, looking straight foward and refusing to look at me. We stood in silence for a few minutes. I refused to start the car until he talked to me. We sat for a few more seconds before he let out an annoyed sigh "are you going to start the car or what?" he groaned brushing his hands through his messy hair. I shook my head pursing my lips "are you going to tell me why you're acting like this?" I question turning in my seat to look at him.

Guilt pools in his eyes as he sighs "I'm sorry," he speaks finally turning to look at me. I reach up brushing his messy hair out of his face. I smirk at him knowingly as his eyebrows scrunch together in confusion. "What?" he questions searching my face for an answer.

"you're so hot when you're jealous." I laugh as I watch his face fall into a smirk. He leans foward brushing my hair behind my ear "you're mine only," he whispers before pressing his lips onto mine.

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