He was trying to fall asleep, falling, like usual when his gauntlet went off with its sinecure ringing. At first, he thought it was a bit strange considering it is around three in the morning but surged it off,
he has only been working at the Honobi store for less than a month so he was pretty new to the whole glitch thing.
He was just about to call Meko when he stopped. ''shouldn't at least one of us get a decent amount of sleep tonight'' he thought anyways it says it's only a level two glitch so it shouldn't be that hard right.
First thing first, he had to sneak out without his grandparents finding out, he stuffed an extra pillow under his sheets gust in case his grandmother came to check on him wich she usually did,
then he quickly put on his hoody and climbed down the fire escape,
for once he was glad he lived in an apartment, he quickly hopped onto his bicycle and made his way to the glitch.
when he gets there its about 3:23, he's in a sorta park ally place something like that anyway he's too tired to really look into it.
The glitch is meant to be from a game called Questers he's never played it but its meant to be pretty hard, he looks around for any sign of the glitch,
this gives him time to really think about what he got himself into becoming a glitch tech shore its an awesome job to have but it comes with its flaws like when Antonio got turned into a dinosaur from their favorite game,
Yah it was great to meet him after this long beside he was Fives best and only friend before he met Meko but Antonio can't remember half of it, and still thinks he is ditching him on propose,
with the whole working at his grandparent's truck and being a glitch tech doesn't give a guy that much free time.
he gets pushed out of his thoughts by the sounds of a garbage can being knocked over. He slowly makes his way over to the sound with his gauntlet ready to be activated, he pocks his head over the side but is surprised to see nothing.
he slowly walks over to the upturned trashcan getting a better look,
when he does his blood runs cold there's green goop everywhere but that's not what spooked him its the three long claw marks covering the wall.
Before five could register anything he felt the wish of air leave his lungs and him being thrown into the wall hitting his head and then black...

Stores of glitches
FanficFive gets into some trouble at 4 in the morning thinking he could handle a level three glitch all by himself. warning injury and blood.happy ending.