5. Sweet Consequences

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Arnav, Khushi, Akash and Payal stood by the Gupta House, reeling in their last chuckles.

"Seven times," Khushi began, muffling her giggle as Payal pinched her. "I mean, you punctured your car seven times to be able to meet Jiji." Akash reddened and turned to his cousin for help but Arnav chose to stare at his shoes, a small smile threatening his lips.

They let the moment pass, basking in the happiness the sunset brought. Khushi fiddled with her dupatta, Payal played with a strand of hair. Arnav tapped his foot, Akash cleared his throat.

"Payal ji-"

"Yes Akash ji."

Akash took a soft, tentative step towards her. Khushi and Arnav took a step behind, keeping a watchful eye over their cousins.

"I know a lot has happened. But, can you give me a chance? No, I'm not asking you to marry or even love-"

"Okay," Payal said, her cheeks warm.

"-nor am I asking for any commitment. We can date, at your convenience. And only during daytime, we would not meet for dinners, no, not at all. We can meet at parks, or films? Do you also like Salman Khan? Please only if there are any feelings from your end and after I have a conversation with my family-" Arnav and Khushi rolled their eyes, one of them had to intervene and stop Akash for the sake of his safety.

"Akash," Arnav placed a hand on his shoulder, "Payal said yes." Akash stopped and stared at Payal in amazement.

"But... since we're meeting outside, then I won't come alone." Payal said.

"Oh no of course. No no even I won't come alone, I'll bring Bhai with me. He'll accompany us." Akash grinned, forgetting that Arnav would have liked to have been asked before becoming an invited third wheel to his cousin's date.

"That's great, I'll also bring Khushi with me!" Payal chirped, unaware of Khushi's glare. Khushi could only groan in disbelief, since when did a younger sibling chaperone an older one? And since when did anyone plan on bringing their cousins to a date? Khushi looked up to find a similar expression of disbelief in Arnav's face.

Yet, at the hope of something new for Payal and Akash, it didn't matter if the cousins agreed to the weird courtship.


Akash rolled down the car window, letting the breeze touch his face. Honestly, nothing more had happened apart from Payal accepting to date him, yet, his instinct told him that he had taken the best decision of his life. 

Payal gave him a chance. Gave them a chance. And he would prove it to her, for them. No matter how many years it could take.

Arnav watched his cousin stare at nothingness.

"Bhai, every love has its time, does it not?" Akash asked, humming off tune to the radio, "So nothing should be decided in a haste." Akash spoke to himself, not waiting for Arnav's reply.

Arnav gripped the steering wheel, Akash's words haunting him like a warning.


Payal stared at the moon as Khushi massaged oil in her scalp.

"Let the Goddess of Hair shine on you and present you lustrous locks for your date! Hey Devi Maiya, what will I do in this silly date of yours Jiji? I know they say the wife's sister is a half wife but you took this very seriously!" Khushi playfully tugged Payal's hair.

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