~Goodbye Forever~

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Y/n P.O.V

Crying softly I left the building. How could he do this to me?  How long had this been going on?  I was shocked, hurt and angry. I walked head down, desperately trying not to let my loud sobs out, and of course, it started to rain. Just my luck. Making it back to the apartment I showered then started to pack my things.  Taking one last look at the room I left. This was my last goodbye.

Jimin P.O.V

The incident with Y/N left me shocked, why hadn't she yelled at me? Why did she say she was my roommate? I was so confused. I didn't bother going home with Hannah, I had to see Y/N, I had questions. Reaching home I walked into a cold house. 

"Y/N, where are you"? 

No response, walking upstairs I walked into our shared bedroom, immediately going to our closet, all her things were gone. Turning towards the bed I found a piece of paper. 


I' m sorry, I don't know what I did, or didn't do. I wish you had the guts to tell me, instead of being such a coward. None of that matters now, by the time you read this I will be long gone, don't bother calling or trying to find me, I have given up on you. Please be happy, make her happy, don't hurt her as you hurt me. She doesn't deserve to be treated the way you treated me, I don't hate her she doesn't deserve to be hated, she didn't know, and as for you, I no longer have time and energy for you. Jimin, you're the reason I didn't eat, your the reason I couldn't sleep. One thing I promise, I'm not going to waste my energy missing you, and for that I want her to be your only focus. Just know one thing, I loved you with my whole heart, I trusted you with my life, I know you don't love me, I don't know if you ever did, but please for my sake make her happy. 

          -Goodbye forever Y/N
              P.S~ I still love you

On the bed next to the paper was a ring, the promise ring I gave her, I knew I hurt her, yet somehow I didn't feel guilty in the slightest. With that, I called Hannah.

I hope you all enjoyed the story part, I'm sorry for not updating lately I have been focused on my Instagram account. I'm also so sorry for the short parts there is just no way for me to extend them, I'm so sorry :(   

Please tell me how I did and if anything needs to be changed. Feel free to message me. Thank you all for your support :D

    ~Bngtanhaven <33

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2020 ⏰

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