The Quantic Kids and Their Plan

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Allegra took a sip of her hot cocoa as she surveyed her surroundings. It was three days after what they called, the "accident", and Marinette had been happier than ever. But there was still a troubling in the poor bluenette's soul, the Quantics could tell, and Allegra was determined for revenge.

Allan, Felix, and Claude were silently in their acclaimed chairs of her room, brewing through their minds on the possibilities of what Allegra wanted now. Better not be dangerous, Felix nearly mused aloud.

Allegra took a sharp intake of breath and stood up. She grabbed her sparkly purple ruler and tapped her chalkboard loudly. Allegra's room was lavender with lilac curtains, and she had a bed on the side with purple sheets and blankets. Her wardrobe was filled with purple and silver and grey vests, shirts, leggings, jeans, and fluffy socks. She had a chalkboard and supplies on the opposite side of her bed, with little chairs made for école children. Like she was a mature schoolteacher expecting her friends to be crazy children.

"Ahem," She cleared her throat professionally. "Hello everyone. Have you all had a good day?"

Claude jumped out of his seat excitedly, and Allegra gave him a stern smile before patting his head for him to sit. He sulked in the chair. 

Felix's mouth gave a slight lift upwards, and he cocked his head. "Cut the chit-chat, Allegra. What do you want us here for? You texted in our old chat. The one without Marinette."

He narrowed his eyes. "And you said extra top-secret meeting that Marinette can not be informed of. Must be something about her then, hmm?"

Allegra rolled her eyes before grinning. "Straight to the point as always, Fe. Actually you're right. It is about Marinette."

Felix looked at his feet, tapping his fingers together, an unreadable expression on his face.

Allan furrowed his eyebrows. "Is it about the 'accident'?"

"Yeah, it is," Allegra replied while nodding and popping a bag of chips. She threw a few in her mouth before passing it around. "I want revenge. Revenge on that liar and her minions."

Felix smirked. "Of, course. Always the leader of the pride. I knew you were going to cut to the chase of that."

Claude chuckled. "So, Revenge? Why don't we just tell her mom or something? Obviously, we can search up her lies and give a list to Mrs. Rossi?"

"No, that's definitely not enough," Allan growled, a bit unlike him. He was usually the most mellow in the group, as Claude could have sudden outbursts and what Felix called "temper tantrums". "We need to tear her apart, with every lie. But we have to be more subtle. We have to gain help from the other side."

Allegra nodded, contemplating. "You're right, Ally, as always. But we barely know any lies. How would we do it?"

"We could ask a few casual questions to Mari that wouldn't raise suspicion, and the help on the other side would have to be someone that has been through every lie." Claude pointed out, hurling a chip at Felix, who growled but didn't attack the brunette as everyone knew never to start a fight in Allegra's room. They had experienced it, and the ending had not been worth the justice at all.

Allegra nodded. "I'll assign 'positions' tomorrow. I'll text you in the old chat. I need to figure out each of our assignments today." She pointed at Allan. "You have to ditch class tomorrow to go to Mari's old school."

Allan glared at her. "Why me? I might die of the lying radiation in there."

Allegra shrugged. "Cuz' at the accident you reacted the least and they saw you less than us. Plus if I get another detention I won't be able to do soccer club. We all know you're record is clean as freshwater."

Allan sighed, slumping his shoulder. "Fine, but if my brains melt of the environment it's your fault and my will does not go to you. Also, that was the worst simile I've ever heard."

Allegra grinned and patted all three of the boys' backs, one at a time. "Now go home. I need alone time to figure this out."

She shoved them all to the front door, probably leaving skid marks on the floor, and slammed it. Felix raised a brow.

"What if this plan doesn't work?"

Allan smiled. "Well, then I'm sure we'll come up with a Plan B."

To All the Liars I've Hated BeforeWhere stories live. Discover now