Chap. 1 (partially rewritten)

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A/N These are not my characters. I just love them all. I hope u enjoy the first chapter! 
In typical me fashion, I was antsy all day. I had already annoyed my wife six times to go do something.

Trying to get her attention, I sat heavily down in the chair next to Pepper. I reached into my pocket and pulled out a random sticky note. It had a phone number and a company name. I figured it couldn't be that important so I crumpled it up and tossed it at her head.

She took a deep breath, trying to stay calm and looked at me, "Yes, Tony?"

"I think we should go for that run we've been planning all week," I said.

"Sure. Give me twenty minutes, Mr. Antsy," Pepper said, looking back to her work, continuing to tap away at her keyboard.

"Nice. Mission accomplished," I said, standing back up and striding out of the room to get changed.

"Ready?" I asked her when she came from our room in running clothes. She nodded and we left the tower and walked slowly up the street to warm up. Soon we had reached a park, trying to keep a good pace in our jog.

It was a beautiful day. The sun was shining high in the sky and a light breeze kept us cool. I felt like nothing could ruin such a nice day...

That's when I saw the girl. I know what your thinking, Tony, don't be the meme, walking with your wife and then seeing another girl!(If you don't get that I'm sorry)

I swear that is not what happened. She was a teen. I'm not weird like that. She had caramel skin and hair that looked like she had taken craft scissors to it. Somehow, it still looked nice. It also had little feathers in it.

The weird part, she had a shining dagger in her hands. She whipped around her head every so often, eyes wide in concentration.

"See that Pepper?" I nudged my wife and pointed at the girl.

"See what? It's a girl holding a hand mirror," Pepper's brow furrowed in confusion.

"Hand mirror? No it's some form of knife or dagger."

"Tony, are you okay? You're not having flashbacks are you?" Pepper lowered her voice as she referred to one of the many battles I've fought.

"N-no. She is holding a dagger," I insist. I break away from my wife, running up to the girl.

"Hey you," I say, "what are you doing?"

She whips her head around to me.

"I'm not doing anything. Don't worry. Just go home," Her words have a reassuring and persuasive push and I'm suddenly inclined to do anything she wants.

I turn and run to Pepper, "let's go."

"Why? Tony, what's going on?" Her eyes are starting to show panic.

"I'm not actually sure. Let's just go," We start back to the tower. Pepper gives me weird looks the rest of the evening and after she puts Morgan, our daughter, to bed, she sits me on the bed to ask about my strange mood swing.

"I'm not sure what happened. Her words were just so persuasive. It was strange," I admit.

"Are you feeling sick?" She holds a hand to my cheek and forehead, "No you're not warm. Maybe let's just go to bed." We settle under the sheets and I fall asleep in seconds.

My eyes were searching around furiously for the monster that was hiding in the trees somewhere.

That's when the man came up. If I hadn't been concentrating, I would have had a total fangirl moment that Tony Stark was talking to me. And-oh gods- I charm spoke to him! What would happen when it wore off! He'd know I was different. And it's not like I'm hard to find, with my father and all.

I started freaking out when I got to camp that night. Annabeth and Jason assured me I would be fine, but I was still nervous.

To distract me, they, Percy, Leo, Hazel and Frank(who were visiting from Camp Jupiter) attempted to play mythomagic. Frank did his best to explain, but we were all just confused.

I fell asleep that night, completely forgetting my encounter with the billionaire.

This is gonna be a little bit of a timeline explanation:
•after endgame-tony doesn't die(obviously) neither did Vision. Natasha was brought back and Steve's not old(sorry no happily ever after for him yet) basically, everyone is ALIVE! Yay.
•after war with Gaia. Leo is back with Calypso.
•definitely before Jason dies.
•Banner is normal again, not weird half giant😄

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