Chapter 18

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"Whoa, kid. These designs are insane!" Sam exclaimed. He was testing his new, celestial bronze wings and I smirked with pride.

"They have some touching up to do. These might not be a efficient as my real ones," Tony mumbled, fiddling with his blasto hand things. I had opted to call them that since Mr. Stark's name for them was lame and too fancy at the same time; repulsor blasts.

"Excuse me? I'm the son of Hephaestus here. Tell it to the monsters that your mortal weapons are stronger than celestial bronze," I snapped.

"Jeez, I didn't know elf boy had a snappy side," Natasha chuckled.

"He doesn't," Hazel gave me a weird look, "Which is why I'm confused as to why he looks that way." She pointed at my locked jaw and glared eyes. My hands were clenched and I held my head a little too high.

Percy coughed, "Jealous," He coughed again.

"Now why on earth would I be jealous of a mortal?" I smirked.

"Your not jealous of them everyday?" Annabeth asked, sitting on top of one of the tables in the training center.

We had moved to the hideout upstate for the weekend to test out my weapons for the Avengers.

"You don't envy them?" Percy tilted his head, a confused puppy look on his face.

"For a few reasons. But not ones that involve my talents and dashingly good demigod looks," I flexed an only partially existent muscle.

"I don't understand something," Steve said, "Isn't Vibranium the strongest metal?" He gestured to his old shield.

"It's actually the third. It goes celestial bronze, imperial gold, then Vibranium," I told Steve.

"Imperial gold and celestial bronze have equal strengths, Leo," Jason said.

"Keep telling yourself that, Roman Superman," I smiled.

"So these bullets will kill monsters, but not humans?" Natasha asked.

"Yes," I confirmed.

"What if we're facing humans?" She asked.

"Bring normal bullets and celestial bronze ones when we fight, " I told her.

"Okay," She nodded.

"Other than train with these new weapons, I'm really not sure there is anything else we can do before our mean old woman comes," I said.

"Well there is something we could do..." Annabeth started.

"Oh please, gods no," Percy groaned.

"Just hear me out. We could brush up on mythology. The Avengers hardly know any. Plus, the woman is using Greek monsters," Annabeth said.

"I would like to do that. I want to know what I'm facing more," Steve said.

"Of course he does. Such an old man," Natasha smirked, "Just tell me how to kill them and how to avoid getting killed by the monsters."

"That's more my speed," Percy nodded at the Black Widow.

"Okay well here's a compromise. Anyone who wants to learn can come with me, and anyone who just wants to ask us about something while we're out there, train or do whatever. Sound good?" Annnabeth said.

We all nodded.

"Alright. People who want to study, raise your hand," Annabeth said. Steve, Hazel, Frank, Sam, and Dr. Banner's hands all went up.

"Cool. See you all later! I want to beat something up," Percy waved and walked off to a punching bag in the corner.

"I'm going to call in the whole team," Natasha said, pulling out her phone.

Those who wanted to learn from Annabeth and books(gag) left the room, while we stayed and did random stuff.

"Leo, I want to dive into my suit. Show me all your new changes," Tony said to me.

"Sounds good," I nodded. Finally he was admitting my tech was better.

"To the lab," Tony lead the way.


"This is going to short circuit," Tony insisted.

"No it won't," I said.

"Yes it will. The neuron's electrical currents creating the magnetic  and electric fields that should detect the EEG will short circuit in the helmet. Your celestial bronze mumbo jumbo is a whole lot different from the nickel-titanium I'm using now. Do you really want my head to blow up?" Tony ranted.

"Maybe," I muttered under my breath.

"And where am I supposed to put FRIDAY's chip in?" Tony continued.

"Dude. Chill. The whole suit isn't done yet. Stop acting like I don't know what I'm doing. I literally fixed an unfixable dragon and built a flying ship," I said.

"So? You want to count creations?" Tony challenged, "I built the first Iron Man suit in a cave with terrorists surrounding me. I built Ultron and Jarvis for goodness sake."

"I really don't know what Ultron or Jarvis is," I admitted.

"Seriously! How sheltered are you demigods! Ultron literally made an entire city fly! He almost killed thousands of people!" Tony exclaimed. I raised an eyebrow.

"Is that something you should be proud of for building?" I asked.

"Not the point. Bruce did most of it, anyway. The point is you think you're so much better than all of us but you're really just an emotionally stunted sixteen year old boy."

"You're right. I am an emotionally stunted kid. But I'm also a genius," I smiled.

Tony cracked a smile too. It grew until he was chuckling. Soon both of us were doubled over laughing hysterically.

It felt so nice to laugh. I hadn't in forever and laughing was my way to cope with pain.

We laughed for a while and we could hardly breath.

Tiny looked at me, "Come on. Let's finish these suits. Tell me everything about celestial bronze."

"Sounds good, Mr. Stark," I agreed.

A/N short chapter, yes I know sorry, but I'm writing it on my tiny little phone and my wrist are hurting(you know from that awkward position holding a phone?). Anyways, I just needed some character development, especially from Tony because I don't like making him seem like the bad guy, but it's just so much easier that way. You feel me?

Also, I may have researched for about 20 minutes things about the Iron Man suit. Could I explain to you any of it? No. Did I even understand it? No. Does it make sense how I wrote it? Probably not. Was it really interesting? Yes actually.

Okay well I hope you enjoyed. Peace out✌🏻

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