❌ 20 ❌

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I feel even more nauseous as I feel the jet hit the ground and stretch my guts like a roller coaster. I hold it back by taking deep breaths and chugging the water that Chris had given to me. Luckily it went away. Moe comes back to us with a clipboard.
"Alright Marshmello, first we'll be checking into the fancy hotel and getting prepped for tomorrows concert, it's gonna be huge, it's gonna be loud and it's gonna be absolutely crazy. So if there's anything I can suggest to you guys, it would be to eat a decent dinner and get plenty of rest tonight, no fuckin around.' He elbows Chris. "Tomorrow we'll leave the hotel by noon and head to the concert site to set up, the concert will start at 3 and it'll be going on into the rest of the night, so, I highly suggest some high caffeine or energy drinks, ya got it?' Chris nods swiftly, he's obviously used to this, I nod as well, knowing I'll probably forget his directions later. The jet scoots to a stop and we grab our shit and start to move. Mello puts his helmet on for caution and I follow behind him and Moe. The airport was huge but we seemed to nag the far side of it for ourselves. They wheel their suitcases swiftly down the hallways and corridors of the massive place as I look around in wonder.
"Come on Y/n!' I hear Chris call to me as I find them about 30 feet in front of me. I sprint to them, carrying the little baggage that I had brought with me, blushing at my careless actions to wander. The airport was full of so many fancy departments, I felt like I was in a super mall! There were coffee shops left and right, salons, food bars, and clothing stops too! This place was nuts! I follow Marshmello and Moe through long corridors and through security, I was also very surprised no one stopped us to get an autograph or anything, maybe they don't think he's the real Mello, maybe they think he's just a fan here for the concert tomorrow. He takes off the helmet as we come to our exit and a slick jet black limo awaits our presence. Chris gets in the passenger seat and Chris and I pile into the back. Moe slides a small glass window open and tells us, it'll be a 15 minute ride to our hotel. We nod in understanding and I lay back into the cushy leather seating to breathe.
"Wow,..' I sigh in exhaustion, summoning Chris's attention. "This is a crazy exciting life you have here honey,'
"Well, what can I say darling, I live for the thrills,' He smiles and leans back on the opposite side of me.
"Makes sense,' I say simply, feeling heavy and drowsy, even though all we've done today is travel. Chris and I were quiet for the whole ride and it seemed that I had dozed off in the middle of it anyway because I woke up to Chris nudging my shoulder.
"Come Y/n, we'll have you resting in a hot tub first thing!' He smiles and helps my sore aching body up. The longer I was up, the more I felt like shit, random parts of my body began to ache, my arms, lower back, and my thighs. My forehead heated and my throat started to swell and hurt a tiny bit. I felt like crap. I wobbled my way with the two to the front desk, taken back by gold statues of Greek art, crystal chandeliers hanging stories above me and all the people around me, and vanilla granite floors illuminating the clean luxurious hotel. It was absolutely spectacular. Moe lead us to an elevator and of course we ended up going straight to the top of the damn place.
"Here is your key Chris, don't do anything stupid,' Moe says handing the room key to Mello. He smiles and takes my hand.
"Wouldn't dream of it,' He smirks and pulls me down the long hallway, passing fake plants and little fancy paintings lined in gold and sterling silver. We were in room 609. He opens the door for me revealing a gorgeous penthouse suite.

 He opens the door for me revealing a gorgeous penthouse suite

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I let out a big squeal and plunge into one of the soft couches

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I let out a big squeal and plunge into one of the soft couches. 
"I feel like shiiiiittttt!' I complain, now beginning of a minor headache.
"You don't look too good honey,' Chris sits next to me rubbing my tense shoulders. "Let's get you into the hot tub, that'll ease you muscles and we'll get you something good to drink.' He smiles and gets up walking towards the phone. The sound of the feeling of a warm hot tub  right now sounds orgasmic. 

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