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A starry sky shrouded the entirety of Inkopolis in darkness. It was very late and it was fortunate for Tallulah that she managed to get Skip to sleep. She was tired, and Rainey was also tired from another long day at the bakery. Since the last time they went to the beach, Tallulah has noticed that Rainey has seemed to be on edge lately. Every morning, she would wake up pale, she began to be slightly secluded and also started to get startled easily, something that Tallulah did not expect from such a laid back Octoling. Though, tonight, everything seemed relatively calm. They both laid on their own full sized bed next to each other and she looked fast asleep. Tallulah was glad that everything was okay, as she was just about to doze off herself.

"Are you crazy...?", Tallulah suddenly heard Rainey mumble in her sleep. "You're lucky enough he's letting you stay... You can't tell him we're dating, Mag...", she continued. She really was talking in her sleep.
Tallulah sluggishly sat up on her bed as she rubbed her eyes. "Ray...", Tallulah whispered as to not wake up Skip.
"M-Mag...? Where are you going...? Please, don't tell him...!", Rainey continued talking in her sleep, her voice suddenly growing more intense in fear.
The mystery of it all began to unnerve Tallulah. "Rainey, are you okay...?", Tallulah sluggishly asked, barely keeping herself awake.

Tallulah continued waiting for Rainey to say something else, but she stayed silent. Tallulah sighed as she noticed Skip barely standing on his crib. The small deformity on his leg was enough to put him off balance constantly, though he seemed to want some attention from his sister.
Tallulah got up from the bed and walked over to him. "What's wrong, Skip..? Did Rainey wake you up?", she whispered to him as Skip calmly let himself get picked up by his Sister-in-law. "She's fine, don't you worry.", she continued whispering as she tried to think of a way to get Skip to sleep again.

"Dad.", Tallulah suddenly heard Rainey speak, loud and clear as if she was speaking in a normal conversation. "Dad! Dad, what are you doing!?", she suddenly began to exclaim loudly, making Tallulah get incredibly concerned. She quickly walked over to her side of the bed and began to shake her.
"Rainey, wake up! What's wrong?", she wondered as Rainey's eyes opened, wide as plates. Her breathing began to grow heavy as she got up from the bed abruptly, almost pushing Tallulah away.
"Magdalene!!", she suddenly yelled as she ran off, straight out of the bedroom. Skip began to whimper a bit, scared.
"Rainey!", Tallulah called out to her as she tried to follow her, with Skip on her arms.

As she tried to follow her, Tallulah eventually found Rainey looking through each and every one of the house's doors. "Magdalene!", she continued yelling out, scaring Skip to the point where he began to cry. Tallulah tried to calm him down, but also tried to calm down Rainey.
"Rainey, what's going on!? Who's Magdalene?", Tallulah tried to get to her, but Rainey seemed too focused on what she was doing.
"Where is she...? Where is she...?", she mumbled under her breath as she went to the door of the bathroom, but Skip's cries began to get louder and louder. "Where's Magdalene..? Where is she? Shut up, Skip!!", she continued mumbling until she yelled again, having enough of Skip's crying, only to have him cry louder and startling Tallulah at the same time. However, Rainey now stayed completely still. "Skip... Skip!", she muttered calmly all of a sudden as she quickly walked up to Tallulah, grabbed Skip and hugged him tightly as he cried. "I'm so sorry... I'm so sorry...", Rainey began to repeat herself as tears began to fall down her own eyes.

After a few minutes of calming the commotion and putting Skip back to sleep, Tallulah was now sitting in her living room next to Rainey, who was trying her best to explain what just happened. "Magdalene was an Octoling girl I used to date back in Coral Shores, back before Skip was born. She once visited our home and kept insisting to tell my dad we were dating... I told her no for a good reason...", she told her. "She didn't listen to me and...she and my dad ended up getting in an argument... My dad didn't approve of our relationship and Mag just kept insisting there was no problem about it...", she continued, but before she could go on, her eyes began to water once more. "My dad had enough and attacked her... A-And before I knew it, he was smashing her head into the doorway with the door...", she barely muttered out with a cracking voice. "He attacked me after he was done with Mag...hoping he would t-teach me a lesson...", Rainey told Tallulah as she proceeded to give Rainey a consoling hug.
"You poor thing... You never tell me anything about these things...", Tallulah told her as Rainey tried her best to hold in her tears.

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