Chapter 4 - Progress

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The next day, Murdoch woke up extra early to make sure everyone in the team was ready to go for the journey they had ahead. Even if it would take mere hours to reach the Coral Shores Town Hall on foot, they didn't know if the intervenience of the Kamabo Corporation would delay them for a few days. So just to make sure, Murdoch decided to steal a few supplies from the orphanage. Even if he felt horrible for doing it, he only hoped that it was worth it, bringing different kinds of food, weapons and a few first-aid kits back to Athena's room.

Inside, Eight and Athena seemed to be ready to go. "I got some extra stuff.", he told them, low enough to only be audible in the room. He began to fill his bag with some of those supplies, then grabbed two OctoShots and tossed them at Athena and Eight. Athena caught hers with ease, whereas Eight missed the catch and struggled to grab it in midair. Once he did manage to catch it, he looked at Murdoch.
"So... We're not letting the mayor know what's going on?", he asked him.
"Of course we're not!", Murdoch answered him. "Conway relies too much on me to protect the orphanage. Besides, he probably wouldn't believe anything Athena says.", he elaborated.

"Considering you managed to kill so many of the Corporation's soldiers, I wouldn't want you walking around all willy nilly either.", Athena agreed with Murdoch.
"But we're going to the town hall for a cure for that Endemic virus you're talking about, even if it's still a hunch. Wouldn't he know what's in there, out of any of us?", Eight asked her.
"Well, like I said, the government has gone quiet. They might be hiding something in there, which means that even if he DID believe me, he probably wouldn't give us anything useful.", Athena retorted. "If you don't believe me, ask someone who's been here longer than any of us.", she said as they both turned their heads to Murdoch, who finished filling his bag with supplies, having little regard of what they were talking about. One thing he could say is that he had to admit it: things have gone quiet in the government. Though, there was no telling whether or not Conway even knew what was happening.

Murdoch then looked back at both Eight and Athena. "You two wait for us outside. Eight, make sure to keep an eye on her.", Murdoch told them as Eight nodded.
"I'm right here.", Athena pointed out, annoyed, but made her way to the room's window. Athena began to climb through, and Eight did so as well right after. Murdoch was about to follow them, but noticed Undine approach him with a large backpack.
"So, are we ready to go?", she asked him. Murdoch smiled a bit, but that smile quickly faded away.
"Almost.", he told her as he grabbed a third OctoShot and handed it over to Undine. All she did was look at it for a few seconds, hesitantly.

"M-Murdoch, I can't.", Undine refused.
"Why not..?", Murdoch asked calmly.
"I... I don't want to kill anybody...", Undine answered. Murdoch looked at her with empathy, since he could obviously relate to her fear. Either way, he calmly grabbed her wrist and placed the OctoShot in her hand.
"You don't have to. This is just for you to defend yourself in case none of us are there to help you.", he explained to her as Undine's fingers slowly wrapped around the ink weapon.
"What if I'm forced to kill someone...?", Undine asked, still with her doubts.
"Then don't think about it that way. Instead of focusing on the fear of killing someone, focus more on the fact that you need to stay alive. I don't condone any of it, but in the situation we're in, we don't have much of a choice...", Murdoch tried his best to tell Undine, though it did not seem to make her feel entirely better. "At least remember Alex.. Remember that you need to protect him..", Murdoch tried an alternative, and at the mention of her brother, Undine seemed to have gained more confidence. She looked up to Murdoch and gave him a reluctant nod as she put away her OctoShot.
"Let's go, then.", she said.

Murdoch watched Undine climb out of the window as many thoughts began to course through his mind, from what will they do when they get to the town hall to how he realized how pretty Undine actually was. He sighed to himself and grabbed his bag and his own OctoShot and was about to follow the rest of the group.
"Murdoch?", a familiar voice called to him from behind. Murdoch turned to find Maria, who just entered the room. Immediately, Murdoch approached her.
"Maria, what are you doing up so early?", he asked her, feeling suddenly nervous.
"I couldn't sleep, and you were gone, so I looked for you.", Maria answered.

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