The Beginning (chapter 1)

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It all started with a dark and stormy summer night. You lied awake in your bed, restless as you did most nights. Your room dark as your lights were off. The house was silent, your mom asleep in her locked room, your father on the couch surrounded by beer cans. He snored lightly in his drunken sleep. You had insomnia so it was expected for you to be awake well past midnight and tonight wasn't any exception. You heard a knock on your window but when you got up to investigate you were left empty handed. Nothing was there, but something urged you to go outside. Go outside in the dark, in the rain, the wind. Something urged you to be out there, that someone was calling you. You got up and put on some clothes, your dark wash jeans and teal hoodie and some black converse would suffice. You snuck passed your father and out your front door, standing there on your porch. The rain was misty and light, the wind blew gently. It was calm for the most part, only the thunder and lightning disrupted the atmosphere. You stepped out into your driveway, looking around to see if anyone or anything was out there, and you didn't see anything, or hear anything but the thunder. As quick as you saw it, it was gone. A figure that went straight in front of you. You caught a glimpse of a white hoodie, black long hair, and something shiny, but it was all of too late before you felt the white hot burning sensation in your stomach, or noticed the red, crimson substance that ruined your pretty, teal hoodie. Lightning flashed over head and the bright light was all you saw before you felt your body fall to the floor, and darkness take your body. After what felt like seconds you opened your eyes, light blinded them. The sun was high in the sky, and your surroundings were anything but familiar. You sat up, a pain shot through your abdomen but when you looked down you saw nothing but your teal hoodie that wasn't cut or blood stained. That's right, you remember, something cut you. You remember blood, you remembered pain, but there is no indication of cuts or blood on you, and your hoodie is fine. What happened? Did you dream it all? No it felt too real. You stood up and found yourself in a forest. How did you get here? Where are you? You shrugged it off, you'd find that out later. You started walking and eventually you came across a path, it looked well used and you headed down the way were the most foot prints seemed to be. As you walked and walked you finally came to a sort of clearing. And as you walked into it you passed through an invisible barrier, it felt like passing through jello, like it didn't want you to be able to go through it but when you finally did you saw an old mansion on the other side. It was huge, and had a Victorian style to it. "This place must be decades old" you said to yourself. You still were puzzled by what seemed to be "force field" that was protecting this place and made it look like it was an empty clearing but you couldn't figure out an explanation so you decided to not think about it. You heard a noise come from the inside. Shouting is what it sounded like. Two males yelling at each other, but what about? You stepped forward and climbed the stairs of the mansion till you got to the old doors and out your ear to it. "How did you fuck that up jeff? How!?" Screamed a male voice, it was a little high pitch and sounded concerned. "How did I fuck it up? What are you talking about! I killed the parents, its the girl that was giving me problems!" Said another voice, deep and sulty. "Tell me how a 19 year old girl gave you problems!?" Said the first voice. "She didn't die! I cut her in a vital spot she should've bled to death but she got right back up and followed me to the woods!" Said the second voice. Before you could hear the rest of the conversation someone grabbed your from behind. You noticed a black hoodie,gray pants. You tried to look at their face but it was covered by a blue mask with black, oozing eye sockets. It forced your through the doors of the mansion "she was spying on us" it said in a gruff voice. You saw before you a beautiful mansion. And what you had walked into was the living room. Antique furniture and decor went through the whole mansion. It was breathtaking. You saw before you a boy, about your age in what looked like a link costume, but his eyes were black with red pupils. And another man who looked a little older than you, and taller than the first man. He wore a white hoodie, black jeans and had long black hair. But his skin was just as white as his hoodie, and his face, his face was something else. His eyes were piercing blue, with dark circles under the eyes, he seemed to stare forever into you with them. And his cheeks held ragged scars that resemebled a smile that had been cut from the corner of his mouth long ago and had healed. The two men starred at you.  "How did she find us?" Said the boy who resembled link. The three men starred in silence. "Well obviously" said the man holding you "she's one of us".

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