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"fuck this shit."

El was woken.

It had not been by the usual sunlight that would leak in through the drapes, but, her stomach, that had suddenly began to hideously churn and by her head that began to erratically thump.

Trying to ignore the sudden movements in her abdomen and thump in her head, she turned over onto the other side of the pillow.

It had surprised her, almost scared her when she felt something tickling her nose. She opened her eyes noticing a mop of black hair next to her. Unfortunately, she only seemed to have had roughly about a split-second to identify what had caused the tingling sensation on the tip of her nose, before a wave of nausea washed over her and she sat up ready to sprint to the bathroom.

She knew she would not be able to hold the unsightly mess she was about to regurgitate.

Just as well a bucket had been placed by the side of her bed.

All previously digested foods and drinks over the past twenty-four hours were emptied into the bucket. El began to feel weak, drained as she struggled to hold her hair up for herself.

The suspected "tickle monster" with a head of hair that had been gently pestering at the girl's nose sat up reaching out to hold back her hair for her, his expression was icy as he focused on the one task at hand of helping El have clean hair.

Coming up from the bucket El sighed as she wiped at the corners of her mouth with a tissue mike handed her.

She smiled her lips slightly wavering.

Mike didn't acknowledge her thanks.

He got up from the bed, a scowl plastered across his pale face.

Confused and almost hurt El spoke up. "Hey ?" She spoke a little louder now that the distance between the pair had grown greater.

Mike sighed. He supposed he had to give her some sort of shitty excuse.
"Look El, I don't want to talk right now." He continued his movements towards the wooden door.

"Oh...um ok."El responded, as her chest began the feel heavy.

It was unusual, Mike had always been an open and opinionated person, talking to him was no problem, it was more than unnatural behaviour to have even heard him utter those words.

The boy had seemed stressed but the brunet did not want to disrupt whatever crisis he was experiencing scared she may be well, intruding.

El got up and made her way to the bathroom at the end of the hallway, she needed to brush her teeth after she vomited, what had felt like her whole abdomen.

She had cleansed her mouth thoroughly and was back in her bedroom in no time.

She peered over to the other side of her bed where she must've lazily discarded her shoes and reached down to grab her mobile that thankfully, had been put to charge overnight.

She unlocked the device and slightly flinched at the sudden brightness radiating from it's screen.

After opening Instagram, El was shocked to find she had been tagged in more than five posts.

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