Then I won't go anywhere

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Tom's POV

"Come on darling, let's get you home" I say to Haz helping him get up, he stands gingerly before falling into my arms.

"Easy now easy" I say helping him stand.

He looks up and smiles at me,

"Gosh babe, what would I do without you" He mumbles

"You wouldn't be here if it wasn't for me" I reply quietly.

"Don't say that alright" he says taking my hand.

Just then, the nurses walk in.

"Alright you two let's get you outta here before our hospital gets bombarded with Paparazzi" the nurses say.

I smile at them, "we're so grateful thank you so much" I exclaim.

They smile back and then I help Harrison walk out.

Luckily not many people are around so it's all fine. I take Haz carefully to the car and help him get in.

"You can sleep hun" I say gently.

"I've been asleep the last 5 hours" he mumbles but he begins to drift off anyway.

When we get home I take him out of the car as he was still faaaaast asleep.

"Aww my poor baby" I whisper

"I can hear you, you know" Harrison whispers.

"Shhhhhhh" Tom says smiling.

"Tommy my head hurts" He groans

"It's ok babe I've got some painkillers, come on let's get you inside"

I unlock the door, barely managing with Harrison in my arms. Monty and Tessa come bounding up to us as I open the door, but when I give them "that look" they move out of my way.

"Come on sweetheart" I say to Haz closing the door behind me. "Let's go to bed"

I carry him to our room and put him on the bed and get up to grab some water and the painkillers.

I come back and pass him the glass and pills, he takes them and he sighs

"Ahh that's better" he says after a while.

I smile and prop the pillows up kissing his forehead. Monty jumps up beside him and curls up next to Haz. Haz slowly closes his eyes.

I sit beside him on our bed making sure everything is ok with him.

I'm brought back to reality when Harrison awakes suddenly and rushes to the toilet.

I quickly get up to make sure he's ok, to find him throwing up.

"Shhh it's ok darling, this happens when you get concussed" I'm only really saying that to reassure myself more than anything.

I wipe his forehead with a cold cloth and soon enough he stops dry heaving and I make sure that he drinks enough fluid and some electrolytes to get it back into his system,

Thank fully he doesn't throw up anymore after that.

He shivers slightly as he goes back to our room.

"Tom, tom-" He starts

"Sh-sh-shh you're ok babe" I say helping him lie back.

He groans and moves back more.

"Stay here for a bit and then you should have a bath" I say to Harrison.

He mumbles a quick "ok" before going over to cuddle up with Monty who gladly lies within his grasp.

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