Lies Change A Person

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It was cloudy outside and in the middle of a steal table was a girl with bleach blond hair in a hospital gown and she was tied down to the table. She woke up and looked around seeing the ropes she quickly broke free of them and stated undoing her feet. There was a lot of operating tools next to her and needles and she didn't want any part of it. She had no clue where she was but she knew she had to get out. Luckly they thought she wasnt going to be awake any time soon but her body was diffrent so she was awake and ready to be free at last. She hoped off the table and saw the doors leading out and she took off running as fast as she could.

"Hey!" The experment got free!" A man yelled as she busted threw the doors and ran threw ally ways to hear loud sounds that she never heard before but she went to the loud sounds to see a streat with cars and pure panic filled her body.

What year was it?! There were so may cars and lights that didnt make any sence and really tall buildings. She remembered James telling her about a place called New York that was really busy and if they ever got free to met up in Brooklyn where Steve lived. But there was so much stuff that was diffrent, by now he might be dead and she started to cry at the thought if being alone. Then she heard gun shots. She ducked as three guys with guns started to come after her and a car started driving to her.

"No more I'm not going back!" She screamed as she could always head to the ocean. She could smell the salt water from where she stood and she took off running into the street as the gun men ran after her. She had to throw them off her trail so she broke the fire hydrents making the water rise scaring people and alerting the Avengers. She quickly used the water and bent it to her will and shot it at the gun men making them fall to the ground with the sheer force.

"Stop right there!" Tony yelled as she started to panic.

All her life she was told that the avengers were bad and now one was right in front of her she started to cry a bit as pure fear ran threw her body. She wasn't a fighter at all, all she ever wanted was to be treated like a normal person or just to have a single friend that understood her like James did.

"Im not going back to the Lab!" She screamed as he went flying due to the force of her voice.

She walked back a bit in shock not knowing she could do something like that, then bullets rang out and she started running again as fast as she could away from the noise. She wished to god she was brave like James was but he wasnt here and by the looks of it passed away along time ago because everything was so diffrent. From the cloths, the lights, the cars they talked about, nothing was what he described.

"Careful the girl is dangerious!" Tony yelled as he got up and saw the guys with guns and saw the hydra stamp on there jackits.

"Hydra is after her to!" Tony informed as he was got up and started to shot them down but he was going to get his hands on her because she had to be an experment and a really powerful one to have hydra operatives chase her down.

"I got eyes on the target!" Clint said as he pointed an arrow at her that had a net in it.

But when he saw the fear in her eyes it made him freeze as she looked lost and confused. Tears rolling down her face and she was shaking as she was trying to figure out where she was.

"Take her down she's dangouse!" Tony ordered as the gunshots and the loud noises were scarring her and he could see it.

"No shes not Tony she is scared, we need peter to talk her down," clint said as he quickly switched arrows and shot down a hydra agent.

"She has distroyed three blocks!" Nat informed as several people were injured.

"I'll take her down," wanda informed as she had eyes on her and thats when she saw her.

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