Goodbye Until Tomorrow

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Don't kiss me goodbye again
Leave this night clean and quiet
You want the last word
You want me to laugh
But leave it for now

As the sun begins to set in the sky of a large, tropical island, two teenagers kiss each other goodnight in front of one of the many cabins inhabiting the area. They kiss deeply as they cling onto each other, not wanting to let go. After some time, the white haired male breaks the kiss and looks at the brunette standing in front of him with love.

"Hajime, you have to go back now..."

The spiky haired boy looked somber, "Nooo, just a few more minutes..." He replied stubbornly as he wraps his arms tighter around Nagito's waist, bringing themselves closer than they were before.

"Hajime, please. I don't want you to go but Usami will be on our case soon if you don't." Nagito spoke softy as he held the other's cheek.

Hajime sighed sadly but smiled back, holding the hand on his face. "Alright fine, but just so you know, I will be missing you this whole time."

Nagito blushed slightly as he held on to his partner. "I will too."

All you can say
All you can feel
Was wrapped up inside that one perfect kiss
Leave it at that:
I'll watch you turn the corner and go...

Nagito then proceeds to gently push Hajime off, much to their dismay, as the brunette begins to walk backwards. The two link arms and then hands, not breaking eye contact.

"Sleep well, okay?" Hajime speaks out as he keeps distancing himself from the pale boy.

"I should be telling you that," Nagito laughs, even though he knows he needs that advice as well.

The space between the two grows slightly bigger with each step Hajime takes towards his cabin, still not facing away from eachother and smiling with pure affection and care.

"I love you," Hajime calls out while trying not to sound too loud. He grins with a dazed look on his face as he stares at his lover in the small distance.

Nagito thinks for moment before responding. A few weeks ago, he would've trembled and cowered at the thought of saying something like that to someone like Hajime, but after being together for quite a while, a new part of him started to grow. It was one he never thought he had before, and he was honestly quite scared of it. But at this very moment, Nagito could care less of what his luck might do. This feeling of pure bliss was enough to comfort him.

"I love you too"

And goodbye until tomorrow
Goodbye until the next time you call
And I will be waiting
I will be waiting

Nagito kept watching as Hajime eventually turned around to head to his cabin, giving a small wave as he did so. Slowly, Hajime made his way with his hand on his neck, the cream haired boy still staring like an idiot in love.

Nagito couldn't believe it. How did he get so lucky? Compared to this, no other lucky thing that has happened to him seemed to matter. Not gaining so much money. Not even getting accepted in to Hope's Peak. He admitted, being suddenly thrown in this supposed "field trip" with his class on a strange island was both bad and good luck in a way, but he was able to meet a special boy. Someone that he didn't know much about, but was immediately drawn to the minute they met.

Goodbye until tomorrow
Goodbye 'til I recall how to breathe
And I have been waiting
I have been waiting for you

Still hypnotized by his realization, Nagito tried to find his stance as he leaned against the post outside his cabin. He looked away as Hajime got farther and farther, staring at the sky for a little while, the purple and orange colors slowly fading into a dark shade of blue as the sun continued to quickly lower.

He truly believed that this was what he was missing: this feeling of love to fill his void with hope. He's been battling despair and hope within himself ever since he was young, and for the first time in his life he feels like he may have won for a little while. It was like he was waiting for a small miracle to come his way to finally save him. Thankfully it did. And his name was Hajime Hinata.

I stand on a precipice
I struggle to keep my balance
I open myself
I open myself one stitch at a time

The pale boy swingingly moves himself towards his door, attempting to keep his balance as he did so. He then leans against it, putting his hand on the doorknob behind him and opens it, letting himself practically fall inside. He turns to face his cabin inside, still in his mind filled with nothing but hope and satisfaction. A small smile was plastered into Nagito's face as he closed the door, leaning his back against it once again.

Hugging himself, Nagito thinks about everything him and Hajime have done up to this point and how it had affected him. This strange "feeling" he realized before. It wasn't exactly confidence or fearlessness. It was more "trust". He felt like he could trust himself enough to open up to others without the fear of consequences. As of right now, there was only one person he felt that way about. And quite frankly, that was enough for him.

Finally yes!
Finally now!
Finally something takes me away
Finally free!
Finally he can cut through these strings
And open my wings!

In his eyes, Hajime was the only one who could teach him some new things he didn't know before. And the more time he spent with him, the more he learned and loosened up. Nagito was never taught how to properly love or communicate in a healthy way. He kind of just figured it out himself as he got older. His vicious luck cycle and illnesses affected it as well, causing some unwanted outcomes due to Nagito limiting himself.

But that all seems so far away at this point. For once, it feels possible for Nagito to grasp what has been out of his reach for so long. This time, it wasn't luck. It's not the luck that he has been familiar with. It was what felt like a true, genuine blessing.

So goodbye until tomorrow!
Goodbye until my feet touch the floor
And I will be waiting
I will be waiting!

Nagito began to do something he has never done before. As he pushed himself off of his door, he started to dance around his cabin. Swaying and stepping to no melody, giggling as he did so. He has never felt so free before, so high up in the clouds that he doesn't want to to go back down for anything at all.

He eventually reaches the edge of his bed and plops down on his back without a care world. Letting the soft mattress take his entire being, he comfortably moves around and sprawls out his arms and legs, an absent minded smile still present on his face. His green-greyish eyes are closed as he keeps thinking about the spikey haired boy. The one source of hope in his life. The one who gave him a new purpose. The reason why hope has started to grow within himself as well, faster than ever before.


Goodbye until tomorrow!
Goodbye until the rest of my life
And I have been waiting
I have been waiting for you!

Out of the corner of his eye, the cream haired boy spots a large stuffed animal resting against the head of his bed. It was a teddy bear Hajime had won him at the movie theatre. It's one of the first gifts Nagito has ever received and consideres it one of his most precious treasures. Sitting up, he grabs for it and proceeds to sit against the window behind him with his legs crossed. The white haired boy hugs the light brown bear tightly in his arms, staring down with a dreamy-like expression in his eyes.

He never wanted tomorrow to come as quickly as he did now.

Waiting for you
Waiting for you!


Meanwhile, in an apartment many years ahead, a brown haired man is sitting at a dark wooden desk, writing a letter.

* * * * *

Second part coming soon :)

Goodbye Until Tomorrow/I Could Never Rescue You ~Komahina~Where stories live. Discover now