Chapter 7

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Different. That was the only word anyone could describe Ian as now. He was different. There was no denying it. He wasn't bubbly, enthusiastic, care-free, and happy like he used to be. Everyone had noticed it. Anthony thought that earlier he was getting better back to himself but now, well Ian just wasn't Ian anymore. Anthony tried not to worry about him really he did but it was hard. So hard to watch Ian just struggle. He wanted to help him but there was no getting through to Ian. It was as if he was gone. 

Ian first stopped eating. Then he stopped sleeping, then he stopped talking, never uttered a single word. Anthony already knew what was causing it, well he thought he had an idea anyway. The book. He had to read it, unlock it's secrets of Ian's past if he ever wanted to save Ian. Of course getting hold of the book was going to be a challenge. Ian never let it out of his sight so getting the book from him would take lots of skill and strategy on Anthony's part. He just had to distract him maybe? No chance that would work. Ian had blocked everything that was real and lived in his own little world. 

(Ian's POV) 

I am on my own. Nobody can help me. I just want to be left alone. In order to do that I've shut out the world and that's how it's going to stay. 


Sorry this chapter is so short but there is a reason for it trust me homeslices! The reason will soon (well hopefully) become clear soon ~ MipMip (Minnie)

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