In life I have got to understand that nothing good comes except you crave for it. Your cravingness can only make you have the good things through HARD WORK.
Everyone has their own way of defining success but I define success as failing twice and riding once. It is only a quitter /loser that will quit but a winner will never.
Every successful man has days when he failed and thought of giving up. Giving up will only prove to the world that you are weak. A strong man never gives up but stay focused. When you believe in your potentials, then you will attain success because it is not how FAR but how WELL.
I have walked through roads that has no way, I didn't because of that stop . My Journey is my Mission and I must be very careful when embarking on the journey. The journey wouldn't be smooth but it will be a LIFE-CHANGING ONE
AdventureEveryone has their own way of defining success. is it by giving up or picking up the pieces?? You will get to know when you read this Piece😁😁