Chapter Two ~ Yes My Name is Potter

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Chapter Two

Yes My Name is Potter

            Rain fell from the heavy black clouds in silvery sheets, obscuring the Hogwarts grounds from view as students crowded the halls in attempt to get to their first class successfully. Syrie knew exactly were she was supposed to be, but unfortunately James, Freddie and Jacquie didn’t-along with the rest of the first years.

“Syrie!” James cried in relief, the twins following closely behind “Can you tell us were Professor Longbottom’s classroom is?”

“A fourth year told us before-” Freddie started, ears red with anger.

“-but he lied and we found ourselves on the fifth floor.” Finished Jacquie, who looked a little frazzled. Her long red hair was pulled back in a long plait, and both the twins silvery grey eyes looked a little overwhelmed.

“Just take the grand staircase down to the first floor, opposite the Great Hall and out the oak front doors and to the left, okay? You can’t miss the greenhouses; and if you’re late its okay, Professor Longbottom is very understanding.”

“Thanks Syrie!” they cried together, rushing off. After sorting out a few more first years Syrie made her way to the Dungeons, were Professor Hemmingway was waiting for the class to trickle in. “Hello Professor!” she said, sliding into the third row seats at the side “How was your summer?”

Professor Hemmingway was a jolly old mad with a lot of hair around his ears and little on top of his head with a love of teaching and children; he was also a fabulous potions teacher. “Very good Ms. Potter, thank you. And how was yours? Spend any time with your parents?”

“Yes sir; I took my little brother and sisters to the beach just the other day with my Mother and George.”

“How is George?” asked Hemmingway, writing neatly on the board “He’s opened up a store in Canada hasn’t he?”

“Yeah, it’s going very well.” The room filled up then and Hemmingway began his lesson, flamboyantly displaying three cauldrons. “Good morning class!” he said, eyes zeroing in on the back of the room “Ah, Ms. Weasley. Nice of you to join us.”

Victoire flashed her Veela smile, practically oozing charm; her silvery blonde hair shone and her blue eyes twinkled, she captured every eye as she glided down the isle and gracefully slid into the empty seat beside Syrie. “Sorry professor, there were some first years who needed some direction.” She smiled again and, as if in a daze, Hemmingway nodded.

“How nice of you Victoire,” he said fondly, then shook his head as if trying to get water out of his ears. “Ahem…right, class! I have some very special mixtures for us to examine today. In the first cauldron, can anyone-yes, Ms. Potter.”

“It’s a beautification potion sir, it increases the beauty of whoever drinks it to great lengths.” Syrie ducked her head; the only girls in the class who weren’t suddenly scrambling to the front of the room seemed to be her and Victoire-Syrie might need it, but Vic…never in a million years.

“Very good Ms. Potter, five points to Gryffindor. Can anyone else tell me what this next one is…yes, Ms. Weasley.” He looked surprise to see Victoire’s perfectly manicured hand in the air as she calmly smiled at him.

Victoire was smart, but nothing compared to Syrie; she let Syrie answer the questions and be the star in class-she was the star at parties and in social groups. Sure, Syrie was popular and pretty, but beside Victoire was like standing beside royalty. “It’s Amortentia, sir.” She said “The strongest love potion in the world.”

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