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Through the good or bad.
I'll be right there by your side,
Always down to ride for you.
Through the thick and through the thin,
Know that I would die for you.
I would.

I sighed and walked out of the hospital. Kairi would agree to let me come see her and then on the day I'm supposed to come, she decides she doesn't want any visitors. I always try and send her things especially since she will never let me or anyone come see her so she doesn't think I forgot about her. I'm not exactly sure why Kairi never wants visitors. Is she ashamed or embarrassed that she's in the psychiatric hospital? Is she ashamed of her actions that lead to her being in there?

I wish she would just let me see or talk to her so I can explain to her that we still love her. I heard her progress is stagnant so the doctors had been hoping she would be willing to see me. They said that knowing she has love and support might help with her progression within the program.


When I got home, Shaqir and Salem were sitting on the couch playing the game (well, Shaqir was playing but had given Salem a controller so she could think she was playing too). I was thankful that he had already gotten her dressed. I had bathed her before I left and sat her outfit out, but I didn't put her in it because she was probably going to want a snack. I didn't want her messing up her shirt.

I went upstairs and grabbed Salem's little hoodie.

I sat down on the couch and waited for them to finish their game. After Shaqir finished the game he was playing, he turned everything off. I slid Salem's hoodie on and picked her up. She squirmed and fussed so I put her down and let her hold my hand so we could leave the house.

While I buckled in Salem while Shaqir got in the driver's seat. After I got in the passenger seat and buckled my seatbelt, we pulled out of the driveway.

We scooped Mama and Me'Arah up before heading to the arena. I was glad we had gotten there kind of early because I wasn't in the mood to be riding around forever looking for a parking space.

Me'Arah decided she wanted to carry Salem. We met Myles, MiMi, and Shaq at the entrance.

We showed our tickets and went through the metal detectors before walking inside of the arena. We walked to our seats and sat down. Salem crawled into my lap and nuzzled into my arm. It was close to her nap time so I knew she was tired, but this was Shareef's final game in the playoffs. I didn't want to miss it. I knew he would showy out in this last game so I wanted to be there to see it. A well deserved win would result in some well deserved pleasure for him tonight once Salem was asleep.

Salem's eyes followed Shareef and occasionally other players as ngeng hthey practiced before the game started. One of her favorite things was watching him play basketball. That's where he is rtruly in one of his favorite elements; I believe Salem recognizes that. She feeds off his energy on the court and he goes even harder he hduring a game knowing his number one fan is watching.

The players started to clear the court as the countdown got closer to two minutes.

The buzzer sounded, the music ceased, and the lights   Is rlmmzzzkdimmed. The announcer announced both teams before introducing Tammy Rivera. We were instructed to stand as she sung the National Anthem.

Once she was done, everyone cheered and the game began.


I was in disbelief at how bad the Lakers were losing. They hadn't played like this all season so what the fuck was going on today? Shareef had fouled out of the game by the beginning of the second quarter so I was beyond pissed about that because that has never happened.

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