SDS: Roche

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There was an island in the middle of the Atlantic, which was home to extremely fertile land for crops and a wide variety of animals. Amongst these was a very tiny country, but with big dreams. As the years went by, it expanded until it covered the entire island. Soon, there was not enough room to hold the entire population, and it had to go off the island. Travelling settlers went in massive boats to find the coast and settle. Eventually, land expansion was able to keep up with the population's growth, and so there was no more problems for many, many years. The people who ruled the country, though, felt as if they needed more land-just in case, of course. However, they were surrounded by two great neighbouring lands of which they could not pass. So, they sent out a spy to infiltrate and destroy them.

They sent out Roche, their best man.

Roche had watched them steadily for five years. He was able to gather information on the pasts of both places, and was able to determine how they felt about certain issues. He heard of a princess vanishing and, years later, a prince. Taking advantage of this, he plotted: he would cause a war between them. He waited until tension built in the larger land before entering and speaking to the empress and emperor. He lied with as much honesty as he could feign, and then he left quickly. He took his horse into the woods, where he had established a camp with three other men.  They watched as they destroyed each other, and were eventually left in ruin. The men had left, but Roche stayed behind. There was something about destruction that was fun to watch.

Two days later, Roche rode into the empire again. He passed by the torched buildings and dead bodies. Rarely, he would see someone alive and cowering, scavenging for life. He laughed at them. He strode by the palace-or what used to be the palace, anyway, and stared. It used to be a tall, tall building, with flags and stones and hundreds of little windows. There was golden trim and it almost sparkled with cleanliness. Now, it was nothing but a pile of rubble. One flag stuck out, but was burned almost all the way through. The rag of cloth fluttered desperately in the wind, threatening to be pulled off and slammed against the ground. Roche rode past it, trying to forget the image-it was rather gruesome, if one thought about it too long. He decided he would leave the ruins as they were and go back to camp.

When he was leaving, however, his horse was beginning to tire. Roche had not fed or allowed his horse a drink for at least two days, and the horse was fed up. Roche grabbed onto his neck as he bucked and kicked Roche off, running away right after. Roche ran after him and cursed, but he did not turn around. Angry and humiliated, he decided to walk on his own. A terrible decision-he could not find the camp. He searched and searched, but there was no sign of camp. He continued to search for four days, until he began to grow weary and needed to find shelter. Beside him, on the fourth day, was a cave. Open and welcoming, and it had the scent of water. He ran inside and instantly drank until he was content.

"Thirsty, are you?" came a voice.

"It's almost as if he hasn't drunk in all his years," said another, more feminine.

Roche looked up, and tried to hide his fear. "Who are you? Where are you?" The cave was dark, and he could not see anyone.

"We might as well tell you who we are, since you'll be spending eternity with us," said the feminine voice. There was a noise of something being pulled out of water, dripping, and then wet footsteps. From the shadows came a very thin woman, with long white hair and her face in shadow. "I am Princess Ebona-or I used to be. The other person here is Prince Shire." She studied Roche with her eyes, watching his facial expression change from one of confusion to one of horror.

"F-from the kingdom of Illervia and the empire of Pyrew? Impossible, how are you still here?"  He tried to back away, but Ebona grabbed onto his arm.

"If you leave, you'll die," she threatened.

"I had to find a cure for my illness," said Shire. "I was cured, but...I suppose I won't be getting ill anymore."

"What are you talking about?" Roche yelled, his voice booming and echoing in the cave. "You should be dead-both of you! I destroyed your lands, and everyone claimed you both died-"

"What did you do?" questioned Ebona. "Did you really? Is that so? Then you'll be spending quite some time with your worst enemies," she seethed.

"What are you talking about?" Roche repeated. "Answer me!"

"You drank from the pool, sir; you're immortal now. Shame, shame, you would think by now you'd learn not to drink strange water." She turned her head to the darkness. "Should I toss him in?"

Toss me in? thought Roche. In the water? But surely I'll drown!

"Yes, do so. I dislike seeing his face." How could he see my face? Before he could finish that thought, Ebona threw him into the water. He hit it hard, and sunk quickly. He could not see, and his lungs filled with the cool water. Slowly, the world turned black and he slept at the bottom.

When he woke, he was at the surface and felt more refreshed than he had ever been. "Wh-did I drown?" he murmured, to receive a swift kick in his ribcage.

"How dare you speak when you've commited such a crime?" screeched Ebona. "You'll be spending the rest of your life here! If you prefer death, you could leave at any time." She kicked him again.

I prefer death.

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