Chapter 1

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Maddie stepped out onto the marble steps, moving her blue glasses back up her nose. A gold plated sign above the tall, double doors read:

Magi Academy

She'd finally arrived. Last year at Magi Prep she'd taken a tour of the school. It had seemed so cool! Not to mention they had magic classes, unlike Magi Prep, where they learned, math, social studies, and the basic stuff.

She dragged her heavy suitcase behind her and shoved against the door with her shoulder, ignoring the polished golden handles.

The entryway was huge with marble walls lining the side and a gold tiled floor below her. The ceiling looked a mile away with clear windows letting in sunlight and brightening the room.

To Maddie's right was an office with a small door to get to it. Maddie entered and was greeted by a young adult elf.

Elves were tall humans with pointy ears and long hair that came in a variety of colors ranging from teal to gold to a red orange flame color. They had shimmery wings that fluttered and even though they couldn't fly, they could hover. Their wings gave off dust every now and then that could cure poison and purify things. This elf was tall with high cheekbones and a slender figure. Her hair was a dark brown color, her eyes a shimmery gold, her wings a delicate purple with little teal stars. A small silver tag on her flower blouse read "Karen". "How can I help you?" Karen asked, looking up from her floral magiPhone.

"I need to get checked in," Maddie replied, surveying the desk. There was a small, bronze lion statue with heavily detailed feather wings, a basket of pens and pencils, a small platform, a calendar that said it was August twenty-seventh, and a check-in binder.

"Do you have a card?" Karen asked.

"It's my first year here," Maddie said and then glanced around worriedly, shifting her glasses. "Was I supposed to bring a card?"

Karen laughed. "Nah, for first ranks we give them their stuff when they check in."

"Oh," Maddie sighed, holding her chest.

"You are Maddie Beenit, have ice magic and extra is flying, and your dorm room is room 7," a metallic voice startled Maddie. She saw the bronze lion statue blink at her. Karen scratched it behind the ear with her long, teal painted nails and the cat purred. "Ignore Tibby. She'll spout random things sometimes and it always scares students."

Karen reached into a filing cabinet behind her and pulled out a small plastic card. Maddie saw files in the drawer labeled "Passes", "Keys", "Maps", and other things. Maddie didn't know what they were. Karen placed the card in a small semi sphere and then the semi sphere closed around the card, forming a sphere. The newly formed sphere glowed as Karen typed into a magiDesktop. As the small rectangle popped out of the sphere, Karen handed Maddie a green blue gem, a piece of paper, and a small envelope.

"Wha?" Maddie wondered aloud.

"The envelope has some stuff about your graduation, how to do stuff, and clubs and teams info. The paper is your information, such as your dorm, magic, etcetera. The gem is your key. There should be a hole in the door knob of your dorm door. Go to the library to get your magi electronics."

"Okay. Thank you." Maddie bounded off to the library.

"I'm telling you, I hate pink!" A girl whisper screamed as Maddie walked into the library. "Why can't I get the marble gold one?"

"We are out of those," the librarian said quietly."You can have this purple one."

"I don't want that color. Can I have a turquoise one?" She clenched her hands in a fist."Or a gray-blue one?"

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