Chapter 3

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Maddie picked up the black plastic case, gripping the handle and wishing that it had padding. They walked over to the music room, where theater kids practiced their music. There were about thirty seats, with a single stand in the middle.

Ms. Kaak, the half siren music teacher, stood at that stand, showing a girl with blond hair how to blow over the flute's mouthpiece. Aubree immediately sat down in the middle rows, right next to Jya.

Aubree was the only soprano saxophone, other than a girl named Hydra, who had dark blue eyes, chaos blue hair, and olive skin. Jya was the only soprano clarinet.

Behind them, Sawyer was trying to put the neck piece on the body of an alto saxophone while it was tightened.

Altos are the usual depiction of a saxophone, with a curved figure, keys and pipes. Sawyer's had a blue finish, with silver keys and gold designs. Ms Kaak turned to smile at Aubree.

She had scaly, green tinged skin with webbed ears, flowing caramel blonde hair, and the deepest blue eyes Maddie had ever seen. Her hair seemed to constantly blow by an invisible wind and Ms Kaak always looked like a supermodel. She was dressed in a pair of white platform sneakers, black leggings, and a camo hoodie with beach waves. "Sit down right here," She waved gracefully to the last- wait- no first seat of the first row. There were about nine sets, with two other oboes trying to figure it out on their own and squeaking terribly. Maddie opened the book on her stand and flipped it over to reveal instructions on how to play.

Place your reed into the top of the oboe, holding the base of the top joint.

Your reed must be pushed all the way into the bore or the oboe will not be able to produce any sound.

The flat sides of the reed should be positioned to lay between your lips when holding the oboe properly

Blow in steadily, making sure your cheek doesn't blow up. Breathe from your stomach.

Maddie followed the instructions and blew. A high pitched sound flew out of the bell, not squeaking one bit. The two other obos looked at her with wide eyes. Maddie showed them the page, and they opened their books.

From the back, a perfect noise screeched. Maddie turned around. Aiden had decided to play the euphonium, and now fire came from his breath.

"Whoops?" He put the instrument down, taking out a rag and wiping it.

Maddie shook her head. Ms. Kaak tapped her baton lightly on the stand. "Tuning time." She said this, for no seemingly reason, but Maddie felt compelled to listen to her. "Oboes!" They played A, the others still squeaking quite a bit, but they were all in tune anyways. The flutes sounded like a group of dying cat walruses. Aubree and the Hydra girl played pretty well. Sawyer managed to get a slightly okayish sound out but his cheeks puffed out, leaving his face red from blowing. Maddie laughed at how stupid he looked. Jya made a high little note that sounded very adorable from her instrument. Aiden managed to get a sound out of the euphonium without any major flaming accidents. The [percussion didn't need tuning.] Tavon played triangle, Camden bass drum, Ken snare drums, Ike xylophone, and a couple of other people on different instruments. Cathrin was the only trumpet, surprisingly.

"We can work with this," Ms. Kaak stared at all of them. "So, Aubree Marde had an idea that she came up with and told me earlier today."

Aubree walked up towards the stand. "If we convert enough people to the cul- er- band, we could have a marching band. Right now, there are only about 25 of us. We can do it now, and if we practice every day after school, we can play during the halftime show for the show on Friday.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2020 ⏰

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