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" I look at him not able to believe how he is looking so young in just one day ! Is it some kind of myth or what ? As if reading my mind king Laksh himself answered these questions of mine .

He say while seating over the edge of table just four steps away from me ' taste of blood soon dominate your body and mouth Shivraj but for now I believe you are thinking that how come I become this much younger in just one day so the answer is blood Shivraj this magical thing called blood make me like this' .
I'm visible shaking right now both with his dominating aurora and because of the weakness in my body . I somehow say to him ' I——-I want to ——to go back h—ome'.
To which he replied crossing his lags ' oh yes home , of course you must be missing your home and I'll be delighted to send you back to your home in my carriage but for that you have to do one thing for Shivraj write a letter to your advisor or queen whoever you want telling them that you'll be back home in two days. I hope you know how to read and write'. He passed me supplements to write letter or sandesh(called in ancient Indian times) I grab it to write but I can't remember from where I came from! I close my eyes and see some blur images but couldn't remember name of my home/state nor can't remember any of names but why ?

King Laksh hmmm looking at me and say ' this is working. Good so Shivraj since you can't remember anything related to your life I with utmost respect present you my palace as your new home . Don't worry I certainly don't have anything for guys in my heart if you mistaking my last night's actions that was just because of hunger I felt extremely hungry or thirsty at midnight so I feed myself so no offence I still see you as the brave love suck king and not just a mere food item for myself' .

He stand to go but I held his hand asking no —-no begging him ' please let me go home please yo—-you know where I live then please send me back to my home I promise i won't tell anything about you and your palace to anyone' .
Seeing me like this he pass a tight lip small smile and say ' Shivraj do you think I'm an idiot to send you an invitation by myself just to return you back to this cruel world! Shivraj it's time you accept your new reality as if not you'll be dead after two days choice is yours' . A lady scream be heard and he straightened his clothes and start leaving the dining area , I again try to remember anything but with luck I touched my neck as the wound is still fresh. I close my eyes and his saying about that architect come in my mind ' he wants his portrait here where he can see his beloved wife always even after death' , I walk to find that portrait in this palace again..

Don't after how much time but I find that portrait , I try to took off that from wall and did but it's just wall . I feel trapped here for rest of my life....
I dropped on ground but I heard wooden knock over ground , could it be possible! I pull off the carpet on floor and it's a hidden small door of wooden , opening it I step inside touching the wall beside both sides of a concrete staircase , I can see some dim sunlight coming so I followed the way to get out of here . 
Coming at the end where the light is visible to me I saw a room without a window which is connected to terrace , I saw a woman sitting hiding from sunlight. I ask her ' do you know another way to escape this place?'  she look at me with her tear filled eyes  and stood up  , I thought she'll help me but she attacked me with her fangs coming out of her mouth and jumped on me to . 
She is this close to bite me but a larger wood stack stabbed in her heart from behind and she dropped beside me on floor .
I look at king Laksh who just save me and he say ' ahhh you find the short cut good now as I save your life you must have to be on my side' .
He gave his hand to me and I expect it to stand up  , he turn to look at the lady he stabbed just then I with my full power run out onto terrace.  Breathing heavily I turn to look at him who is rooted at the door frame and say  ' I underestimated you Shivraj but I tell you if you jump from her you'll be dead anyway so why to waste the chance to life forever' . 
I look back down from terrace and see a deep river flowing it's true I won't survive even if I jump  , pulling my gold sun locket I decided what to do .
I turn to him and sunlight fall directly on my locket which reflect towards him burning his cheek  , he turn hiding from light and I shout ' I won't become like you' and jumped off from palace' ...

' And that's how you come here' Ragini say .

Shivraj gulps and say ' I don't know how I come here just know him' .

Ragini take a breath and say ' I know how you come here Shivraj. The thing is by that river heavy flow you come to ours estate shore and as King Bhanu knows you very well he kept you here but the problem is that you are here from three weeks and you're body is rotting which means he king Laksh you are telling turn you in a vampire that night when he drank your blood' .

Shivraj look down all sad but the lady with Ragini stood up and held his hand say crying ' shiv it's me ratna you're wife please remember me' .
He look at her and nodded giving her a smile.

Ragini say ' after your exit from your palace they find a cure for her that's why she is here to see you' .

Shivraj look at her but say ' go out I cannot fight this blood smell' .

Ragini open the cell gate and try to pull ratna out but she rooted on her place calling for her husband , Shivraj pushed her out with Ragini who ensure her that her husband be fine .
They heard wolves braking sound .

Ragini send ratna with other soldier and rashes towards the main entrance of the fort to see what is happening.

She see wolves at the entrance of fort braking and try to come in  , soldiers protecting the entrance trying to shew them off and Ragini said out loud looking towards one of the wolves  ' so that's your real self an animal . I thought you look better then this' .

The big one wolf grunt in anger and straight up in air as a man coming out of it tearing the wolf sink . Finally the man out of wolf sink and it's none other then king Laksh.

He smirk seeing directly at her and ask  ' what you think now huh' .....

Okay I have to tell this is not my original idea but the ideas I take after reading my Dracula stories and by Netflix one Dracula show but later it be different by the time story move forward 💖💖

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