Chapter 3

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Hassan's POV

"Ugh." I heard her say out loud.

"What was that?" I asked, smirking at her.

"Um no...nothing. I'm going to go now. Bye." She stuttered

God she looked so cute. UGH HASSAN SNAP OUT OF IT.

"Wait! I have calculus first period, mind showing me where it is?" I asked, hoping she would say yes.

"Ummm... actually Im going there right now, you can come with me if you want?" She said unsurely.
"Okay thanks! I really appreciate it." I said. It was true though, I didn't want to be lost on my very first day in a new school.

I followed her to the class and watched as she sat down. I tried looking for an empty seat but the only one was next to her. As I sat down I watched as she uncomfortably shifted over, trying to stay far from me. I laughed at that. She doesn't know that her mom had invited us for dinner tonight. If she was uncomfortable now, imagine how she would be tonight.

Sara's POV
I did a loud scream in my head whenever he asked me to show him to class. OMG!! I just really hope I don't embarrass myself. I have been known to be accident prone. I kept my cool and silently showed him to the class. I quickly sat down in my seat. as the tardy bell was about to ring. I watched him as he looked around the class, and his eyes landed on the seat next to me.

"Shoot." I thought, the girl that usually say there had moved out of calculus about a week ago.

He's started walking towards the seat and sat down. I shifted all awkwardly until I was as far away as I could be from him. I don't know why I want to distant myself because I was somewhat attracted to him.

"Oh well," I thought, "If he's sitting here might as well get to know him."

As if he was reading my mind, he started asking me questions, but not the type I expected.

The very first question he had asked was, "Do you remember me?"

Remember him?!? I barely can remember what I ate for breakfast this morning.

"I'm not sure of what you are talking about... When did we meet?" I questioned curiously.

"You don't remember? 4 years ago when we were in 8th grade our families were really close friends, but unfortunately we had to move from California to Doha."

Now I was starting to remember little bits and pieces!

"You're Hassan Sheikh!!" I exclaimed.

"That's me. And your Sara Ali." He said, all cool like.

We started talking about more stuff and I later figured out that we had three more classes together throughout the day.

"Oh lord," I thought "This is going to be a long day."

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