Okay breakfast lovers! Here are the groupings for the week with the newly update members list, as of date. Feel free to share this book club so others can join the fun!
We're doing groups of four this week. You'll read one chapter of each group member's book. Leave at least four thought out, helpful comments. Look at character development, grammar, spelling, vocab, punctuation, etc.
Leave at least one funny comment/fun comment (example: you read something wrong and it was funny or goofy, or if you see a reference in the book leave a reference response, if you can relate to it in real life then drop a silly bit telling us what happened to you, etc) Make this fun!
Comment by your name when you're done so I know you've completed the reading. If you're a repeat member and you've read another member's book, just pick up on the chapter where you left off. You don't have to go back to the beginning.
That's a total of five comments on each chapter.
The groups:
The Biscuits:
iammarty10 I Wish to go Back
ahanstasia The False Facade
OrnellaVee The Day He Came Back
@user17450679 (myself) HatchedThe Jams:
OrnellaVee The List
EvahFrank His Undoing
radicalstorm Behind Familiar Faces
psky_chartric ScimitarGo have fun! I kept the assignment to just one chapter because the groups are larger, but then I expect the comments to be longer and more involved than a bunch of spam emojis. We aren't here for that (you can leave those, they just don't count toward your total of five comments).
Assignments are due by next Wednesday.