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Let me show you some screenshots on Twitter my friend sent me.

Let me show you some screenshots on Twitter my friend sent me

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It's sad that I have to keep posting about the fucking hate these boys get

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It's sad that I have to keep posting about the fucking hate these boys get. The fact that antis hate themselves so much that they degrade Army And BTS, to fuck with us and spread horrible rumors.
Listen, even if the guys smoked, so what? They are grown men, and they are allowed to do whatever they please to do just like you and I. Same with dating. They aren't dating as of right now, but even if they were, we are supposed to be there to support them, not hate on them for someone the guys love.
Remember when everyone found out about Jungkooks tattoo artist and how she was a girl? Remember how there were photos of them hugging? Did you know that so called "Armys" went to her work and threw trash in front of it, left hateful reviews and called dozens of time to threaten her? She lost her job because of it.
Why can't we all just be happy for them, be happy that they're alive and well, and happy. They've achieved so much and come so far, we don't need fake fans or people who would want to harm them or someone they love.
There isn't much I can say that I haven't fucking repeated. I seriously just don't understand why people are so cruel, I mean, does anyone know the rate of Idol suicides? Hmmm? Words can hurt people, including Idols. We act as if they are gods and they don't have feelings, but that's so wrong. Everyone has emotions, and everyone has a breaking limit.
It pains me to keep seeing all these hateful rumors and even death threats towards them, but I'm not afraid to say I'm a true fan, I'm not afraid to call out cowards. I encourage you all to go on Twitter, post nice things and call out the antis, #protectbts once again needs to be trending.
I'm fed up with disgusting horrible people, please for the love of god, let's just accept them for who they are and what they do. There is only so much they can truly take, and I fear that they will disband sooner than intended, or that they might even hurt themselves, and I know none of us want that.
Please, tell all your friends, all the people you know to make #protectbts trending on twitter, go on Weverse and post wonderful pictures and notes to them, show them how much we truly love and care for them, because they need it most right now.
ANTIS THIS IS FOR YOU, I may be a 5'4 teenage girl, but I'll still kick your ass. I'm not afraid to show you who you really are, I'm not afraid to take you down a peg, I'm not afraid of you, period. You're sad and angry, and instead of dealing with it like the rest of us you send hateful shit to people to make them feel better, but wait until it bites you in the ass. Wait till you're the one to blame for tragic deaths, wait till we show you what real love and courage is, because you obviously don't know what either of those are.
If you have a problem with what I'm saying, if you have an issue with my opinion, DM and we can settle it like real fucking adults. If you want to keep running your mouth and making death threat, don't be surprised when you're being called out, each one individually even if I fucking have to, to get my point, Armys point, across.
The next time I have to make an announcement all over my feed, my social media accounts, I won't be so kind, and I'll personally @ the antis I'm talking about. Try me.

Ahahahahaha I popped off a bit, sorry, but I'm really upset by some things people have been saying and spreading, and I've even gotten into heated arguments with some antis lately. Everyone, please send love to our boys, let them know they aren't alone in this and that we will always fight for them. I purple all of you, Fighting.

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