CHAPTER NINE: The Hatching of the Little Monsters (Pt. 1)

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Within two and a half hours, the great Mansfield feast was ready. All that was left to do now was to set the table.

Victoria had ended up making three different cakes: red velvet--Victoria's favorite--vanilla layer cake, and chocolate sheet cake. The process of making the cakes was nothing short of unbearable, but in the end, it was definitely worth it. In fact, Victoria was so proud of her cakes, she put them on her fanciest dishes/trays and even decorated them with flowers.

Lincoln had arrived back home when Victoria had just finished the second cake. And he did as he had implied hours earlier: he brought back various meats, bread, cheeses, veggies, drinks, you name it. He'd even bought two quarts of ice cream to go with the cakes. Victoria had thought that that was too much and had told him to take them back, but Lincoln insisted. And eventually, Victoria agreed to keep the ice cream.

And the meats Lincoln had bought ended up costing a whopping two-hundred dollars. Roast beef, a whole chicken, as well as pork and lamb chops. This kingly feast was certainly going to put a pretty big dent in Lincoln's bank account. But in the end, he knew it was going to be worthwhile.

At last, he was going to get the great family bonding time that he desired.

His new family was finally going to come together. As one.

Lincoln's dream was coming true.

The table was set, courtesy of Tess and Robert. For once, Lincoln noted, Robert actually seemed to be excited. And that made him happy.

Once everything was ready, everyone took their seats. Victoria clasped her hands together, the others following her example. Then she said a prayer.

"Bless us, O Lord, and these, Thy gifts, which we are about to receive from Thy bounty. Through Christ, our Lord. Amen." Victoria made the sign of the Cross. "Amen."

"Amen," the rest said in unison.

Lincoln clapped once, and quite loudly. "Alrighty!" He said, "who's ready to feast?"

"ME!" Squealed Susie.

"I am!" Tess said excitedly.

"Load 'er up," Robert said, holding out his plate.

Lincoln's smile went from ear to ear. Within minutes, he cut up all the meat and gave each member of his beautiful family a slice of every meat. Next, he loaded their plates full of veggies, then cheeses and bread. And lastly, he pulled out a surprise bottle of Welch's sparkling grape juice. The children gasped with amazement. Victoria cheered. Lincoln filled everyone's glasses to the brim.

"Now, let us feast!"

Everyone snatched their utensils from the table and started devouring their food.

For a few minutes, everyone ate in silence. Well, not complete silence. Susie was lip-smacking like there was no tomorrow. The clinks and clacks of the utensils; the sound of meat being ripped by young sharp teeth; the occasional giggles of delight; all of it made Lincoln feel indescribably happy.

Then Lincoln spoke.

No, actually. He made a speech. He even raised his glass.

"First off, I want to thank you all."

Everyone stopped eating. They all looked a little confused.

"You all have been so amazing over the past while. You've been so cooperative, so giving, and...well, so amazing! You've helped me. You've helped us. So for that, I thank you."

Everyone was still a little confused. They slowly raised their glasses.

"We've had our spats," Lincoln said, looking directly at Robert--and that was going to be one of the biggest mistakes of Lincoln's life. "We've had our rough spots. But regardless, we pushed through. We're one step closer to becoming one big, happy family."

Victoria smiled. As did Tess. Susie, who barely understand most of the words Lincoln was saying, grinned and said "cheeaws!" (cheers), and guzzled her sparkling grape juice.

Lincoln was about to add another poetic section to his...speech. But a foul stench stopped him. A stench and an odd feeling of someone grabbing his shoulder.

Lincoln's expression slowly went sourer and sourer.

Tess looked nervous. Robert cocked an eyebrow. Victoria went a little pale. Susie was completely oblivious.

"Of course, those spats did cause some damage to this family," Lincoln said, flatly.

Victoria parted her mouth to speak but struggled to find her words.

"And like...all damage, it must be fixed. And promptly."

A vile voice whispered in Lincoln's head.

"Those who did the damage must be held accountable."

Robert's face became tight with worry. He seemed to know exactly who Lincoln was talking about.

"Honey, enough," Victoria said sternly. Susie looked up from her food, slightly startled by her mother's sudden firmness. She glanced around at her family with wide, curious, cautious eyes.

Lincoln didn't heed Victoria's message. "And the primary goal of a functioning family is for each member together. To help one another. And selfishness is something that is never, ever tolerated." His voice was growing more intense.

"Lincoln, enough." Victoria rose from her seat.

Lincoln still didn't listen. "So, as my duty as a father, I must pass out the consequences." He looked directly at Robert. There was something in Lincoln's eyes that petrified Robert. There was a strange blankness, but also an evil presence.

"Linc...Dad, stop," Robert said nervously.

"Dad, stop!" Tess said.

Lincoln shot a vile glare towards Tess. "This doesn't concern you."

Tess immediately backed down.

Lincoln fixed his gaze on Robert. "Don't look so worried, son. Or should I even call you that?"

"Dad..." Robert looked hurt.

"Lincoln!" Victoria looked vicious, ready to attack.

"You caused our family damage, Robert. Luckily, I'm here to stop it before you damage it too much." Lincoln's knuckles turned white. A flash of himself went across his face, but only for a millisecond. The blank evil look came back. "And now, you must suffer the consequences for what you've done."

Robert got up. "Da--"

"SIT THE FUCK DOWN, BOY!" Lincoln bellowed, slamming his fists against the table, making Susie start to cry. "YOU SIT THE FUCK DOWN AND OBEY YOUR FATHER, AND YOU WILL DO IT PROMPTLY OR I'LL TWIST YOUR FUCKING HEAD OFF!!"

"Lincoln!" Victoria leaped from her seat, stormed towards Lincoln, and jackslapped him across the face.

Lincoln stammered. A look of shock, anger, and regret scrunched up his face all at once. Then his eyes became wide and watery with pure remorse.

"Wh...What the hell happened?" He stuttered.

"LEAVE THE ROOM!" Victoria roared. "GO, GET OUT OF HERE!"

"I...I-I...honey, I--"


Lincoln looked absolutely bewildered and hurt. With tears brimming in his eyes, he went out the front door. slamming it behind him, muttering something beneath his breath.

Victoria, trembling, herded her children together and embraced them all. And soon, Susie's cries faded into nothing as dark thoughts plagued Victoria's already troubled mind.


Hey all!

Again, I'm super sorry for the late update. I've been so horrendously busy. But that won't be the case anymore! I've planned a schedule in which I'll update Red Begonia 3 times a week!

Anywho, that's all for now. Vote if you enjoyed this chapter and comment on your favorite parts! And please do share this story with someone you think will enjoy it!

Thank you so much!

Best wishes,

Campbell Jenkins

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