Chapter 1: The Human Realm

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Felix's P.O.V
The afterlife used to be so exciting, it was thrilling and we would do and get whatever we wanted, now things have changed.
There's nothing that hasn't been done in the afterlife and it's the same everyday. I want something different, something exciting, something new.
The only thing that we haven't done,
Is live a mortal life.
I slam my fist into my thrones armrest which catches the attention of my brothers and the rest of the sin's.
Felix: "Aren't you all tired of being down here, doing the same things every day?!"
Taemin: "Sort of, I want more excitement, there's nothing thrilling and new about hell."
Taeyong: "What are you trying to suggest Felix?"
Felix: "During our coronation, we plan a leave. After they crown us kings of the underworld we can do what we want, therefore I suggest we sneak out and into the human realm."
Taeyong: "Do you think we are allowed to do that?"
Felix: "No but who cares. I'm sick of this boring life. I want more. Don't you?"
Taemin: "Hell yeah, it's boring down here."
Taeyong: "I don't know"
Felix: "Come on, haven't you ever wondered what it would be like to live like a human. We can cause mischief, go to college parties, be careless, and meet some girls." I say trying to convince him.
Kai: "I say we do it."
Taemin: "All in favor of leaving this hell and going to the human realm?"
Everyone except Taeyong: "I"
Felix: "Are you in or not little brother?"
Taeyong: "I've got nothing better to do, so I guess."
Felix: "You won't regret it little bro." I say ruffling his hair. Taeyong isn't an innocent soul but he does act it. For the most part he's a good guy and it gets annoying. He never takes risks. He's soft inside and that's what will either get him hurt or killed. He needs to learn to toughen up and this might be a good experience.
The coronation is tomorrow at daylight. After me and my brothers get crowned as the 3 kings of the underworld, we will be on our way.
....The next morning....
Taemin wakes me up 2 hours before the coronation but all I want to do is go back to sleep.
Taemin: "Felix, wake up. Taeyong made breakfast."
Felix: "Leave me alone and let me sleep." I say turning to face the other side of my bed.
Taemin: "He made you Rice cakes." He says and I sit up almost immediately.
Felix: You touch my Rice cakes I will kill you." I threaten him and get up to go sit at the dining table.
Taemin: "You can't kill me, I'm already in hell!" He shouts as I walk out of my bedroom. Once I sit at the table everything is already laid out on the table and all the boys sit down in their assigned chairs and we all dig in and enjoy the meal.
Kai: "Taeyong, why do you always insist on cooking our meals? Not that I'm complaining but don't you get tired?"
Taeyong: "For one you all suck at cooking, Two, if I let Woong cook, the food wouldn't make it to the table, if I let Yoongi cook, he would give up halfway and go to sleep, San is very greedy with almost anything, therefore he would serve himself a full seven plates and leaves us with leftovers, shall I go on?" He states and we all nod in agreement.
Felix: "Fair statement. No need to continue." I say as I finish my course meal and dig into my Rice cakes. After we all finish eating we go to our rooms to get dressed in proper attire for the coronation.
This is the day, The day we will rule over the underworld and go into the human realm.
...After the Coronation...
After they crown me and my two brothers our father throws a gigantic party with over a million guests, this will make it easier for us to sneak through the crowd and get to the mortal realm.
When we get to the gateway I have everyone line up and Taemin do a headcount.
Taemin counts everyone including him and I.
Taemin: "It's a total of seven, we're all here."
Felix: "Good. Let's go." I say and open the portal that leads to the mortal realm.
Once everyone crosses through I close the portal and don't look back. We are outside of a place people call a Mall.
Felix: "San, you're the slickest one out of all of us. I need you to steal some things without being caught.
San: "Sure, what do you need me to get?" He asks
Felix: "As much clothing and Shoes as possible, We need cell phones and only the best ones in store. If you want, grab some items for yourself."
San: "Will do, captain." He says and goes into the store. Only a couple minutes later San comes out with his Arms and pockets full of items and clothing. He hands over our cell phones.
Felix: "You did pay for the cellphone lines right?" I ask him and he smirks.
San: "A couple death threats can get quite a bit of a discount. Plus the girl was practically drooling over me." He says and we all roll our eyes.
Taeyong: "We need to look more like humans if we are going to be going around a college campus."
Felix: "Ok, so let's hide our horns and change our eye colors to something more normal."
Yoongi: "Let's go with brown, that's apparently the most common eye color on earth. We'll blend in more."
Felix: "That's great." We all change our eyes to brown and hide our horns.
Felix: "Now let's go look for a college." I say and Yoongi starts the research. Though Yoongi is very lazy and sleeps half the time, he really is amazing with research.
Yoongi: "I found a great college, Korea National University of Arts. It is a school that focuses on talent like acting and music and dance. It should suit us just fine. What do you think boss?"
Felix: "Great work Yoongi, I'll make sure you get the most comfortable bed in the house."
Yoongi: "Pleasure doing business with you, sir."
Felix: "Alright let's go get a house near the school."
We found a house quickly that was a decent size and condition for only $90,000 which isn't a lot considering San robbed a few banks without letting us know.
After we bought the house I stopped San and put out my hand.
Felix: "You didn't think you would rob a bank and keep the whole load did you?" I ask him as he hands out money to all of us.
Felix: "I know you have a lot more, hand it over." I tell him and he rolls his eyes and gives us more cash.
Felix: "That's a lot better. Now let's go enroll into that college." I say and we get going.
We went to the school, registered and we changed into our new clothes. They gave us uniforms as well but said we don't have to wear them if we don't want to cause it's not necessary. It doesn't look bad so I'm ok with wearing it once in a while. We all then went back to the house that we bought. It's about 15 minutes away from the school. When we got to our house we started planning who sleeps where and more rules.
Felix: "As always Taeyong will do the cooking, Yoongi you will keep us up to date with everything going on around here, San if we are ever in need of something you will be the one to go and provide us with it when we can't, Woong you will be in charge of keeping the house clean, Kai and Taemin will get part time Jobs and pay for the electric bill, water bill, etc., I will make sure that we are all good and in check as always. The roommate's will be Taeyong and Taemin, Woong and Yoongi, Kai and San, and I will get my own room. Do I make myself clear?" I say and they all agree.
Felix: "Yoongi, Please guide us on how to set up our phones, you are the smartest one here." I tell him and he does so. We all set up our phones and exchange numbers. I then make a group chat with everyone that way if we ever need something or we need to meet then it'll be easier to text everyone.
Felix: "Ok, since we are done with everything, let's go and explore our school grounds and maybe even cause a little mischief." I tell them and we all have an evil smirk on our face.
Kai: "Let's go tear this place down."
————Author note!————
If you like seeing pictures of the boys outfit's HERE YOU GO!!!!

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