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CHAPTER NINETEENHAPPILY EVER AFTER"why do you care for me"˚✧₊⁎*⁎⁺˳✧༚

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"why do you care for me"

     A lot had happened the past twenty four hours. Her father had died, her best friend that she thought was dead was alive but had been tortured by the people of the guy she had a 'crush' on, and she had almost died on the bridge if it hadn't been for that certain grounder guy. Declaring war with the grounders seemed so small compared to the recent events, but it could not be forgotten.

     Tension was hanging over the camp like a thick fog, blocking the teenagers from seeking support in one another as they all slowly went insane due to the panick settling deep inside of them. Most of them weren't eighteen, some were literally just little kids, but they were facing a war with armies of a nation they had no idea how big was.

     To put it nicely; they were all royally screwed.

     But amidst the panick and desperation, Dylan was volunteering as nurse for Murphy. She had noticed a few flowers placed on the outskirt of camp, flowers that with no doubt had been put there by Lincoln, but she couldn't leave her best friend for some guy she barely knew. In fact, she couldn't leave him at all. Not again.

"I'm just going to get some water. I'll be right back." Dylan promise after wrapping a blanket around him. They had yet to talk about everything, or anything. He kept quiet when she was around, something that bugged her insanely, but she held her tongue. He needed time.

Dylan jogged out of the drop ship. The days were slowly turning colder, and seeing as the only clothing the girl was unintentionally ripped jeans, a tank top and some extremely worn out sneakers, she was cold as shit. She decided that was the reason she was feeling unwell. She felt like she was burning up, and was a little light headed. Great, it's in the middle of a war and I'm catching a cold.

"Clarke!" Dylan stopped, looking in the direction of who had yelled out. Connor was on the ground, coughing loudly, blood sprouting from his mouth. Her eyes widened. "Where's Clarke!"

"Connor?" Clarke stepped out of a tent, Raven hot in her trail. Her eyes widened at the boy. He continued to cough.

"It won't stop." He managed to say inbetween cough. But he wasn't the only one. Clarke's eyes had tears slipping down from them, only it wasn't tears, it was blood. What the hell is going on.

"Clarke! What's happening?" Raven asked. Suddenly, someone else began coughing, blood slipping from his nose.

"Raven, get away from us." Clarke demanded, quickly putting space between herself and Raven.

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