Chapter Five: Shoot to thrill

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Noel Barton escorted Steve to where his new uniform and gear was being held. She had debriefed him on the matter at hand. She explained that her brother, Clint (code-named Hawkeye), had been brainwashed by Loki. She named off some others, but Hawkeye stood out in Steve's eyes. But there was something different going on with Rogers and Coulson. Steve just felt better with him there. He was one of his best friends. Noel told him the vehicle they were on was called the Hellicarrier. The Hellicarrier. He'd have to remember that. After awhile, Noel left Steve to change. They'd re-painted his shield. He picked it up and slid his arm in the handle. He was back in business.


A crowd of kneeling Germans looked up at Captain America. He had dropped down from a small aircraft in front of an old man who refused to kneel to Loki, who was standing in front of them. Steve had jumped in front of the old man just in time to deflect the laser Loki had shot at the old man. The laser flew back and hit Loki in the stomach. Steve looked at what Loki shot the blue blast with. It reminded him of the weapons HYDRA had used. Except it was elabrat, gold, silver. Loki recovered and looked up at Cap.

"Ya' know, the last time I was in Germany and saw a man standing in front of everybody else we ended up disagreeing." He said, walking towards Loki, through the crowd.

"The soldier. The man out of time." Loki observed.

"I'm not the one out of time," Cap said as Agent Romanoff tried to shoot Loki inside the aircraft, while Noel manned the security camera coverage on her laptop.

"LOKI! DROP THE WEAPON AND STAND DOWN!" Black Widow's voice came out of the aircraft microphone. Loki looked up. He shot a blast at the ship. Natasha dodged it, and Cap threw his shield at Loki. It hit, stunning him, and Steve ran up and caught his shield. They went across the pavillion, exchanging blows. The Captain threw his shield at Loki again, but he was expecting it and he hit it away with his staff. Loki stabbed his staff at Steve, but he bent down and narrowly escaped the blow. Loki knocked him down and and held him his staff to Steve's head.

"Kneel." Loki threatened. Steve grabbed the staff and kicked Loki in the face.

"Not today!" He said as they continued fighting.

"The guy's all over the place," Natasha said, trying to get in a shot at Loki.

While Steve was  fighting with Loki, he heard a new man's voice over his comlink.

"Agent Romanoff", It said, "Miss me?"

Then came the music. His ears were filled with heavy metal music. Then came Natasha's voice.

"Hello, Tony."

Steve looked up as a man in a high-tech suit of armor flew in and blasted Loki away. As Loki looked up, the man stood in front of him, with weapons popping out of his red and gold armor left and right.

"Make your move, reindeer games," He said, making a jab at Loki's horned helmet. Steve watched as Loki's staff and helmet magically vanished and his hands went up in the air. "Good move."

"Mr. Stark."


Later, they were back on the aircraft, Loki subdued.

"Just get him here." Fury's voice came over the intercom.

"I don't like it." Steve told Tony.

"What? Rock of ages giving up so easily?"

"I don't remember it being that easy. This guy packs a whallop."

"Still you are pretty spry. For an older fellow." He turned to Steve, "What's your thing? Pilates?" What? It's a calisthenics. You mighth'a missed a couple things, ya' know, doing time as a capsicle."

"Fury didn't tell me he was callin' you in." Steve told Tony, a little ticked off.

"Yeah, there's a lot of stuff Fury doesn't tell you."

"Where's this coming from?" Natasha asked herself. She looked around the ship. There was a violent storm going on. But just above the ship. Cap thought Loki was doing it. He looked back at him, but he looked more scared than anybody.

"You scared of a little lightning?" Cap asked him.

"I'm not overly fond of what follows." Loki replied.

Before they knew what to do, there was a huge crash and everyone was tossed inside. Tony grabbed his helmet and it attached to his neck armor. Cap put on his shield and helmet. Stark pushed a button and the gangway opened. But before he could even get out, there was a huge man in battle armor and a red cape. He threw a mighty hammer at Tony, knocking him over and on top of Cap. He grabbed Loki and flew -FLEW- out of the ship.

"Now there's that guy," Tony said.

"Another Asgardian?" Natasha asked.

"Do you think this one is friendly?" Cap asked Tony.

"Doesn't matter." Tony said, "If he kills Loki or frees him, the Tesseract is lost."

"Stark! We need a plan of attack!" Cap said, trying to stop him from jumping off the ship.

"I have a plan: attack." He said, flying off the ship.

Steve grabbed a parachute and started putting it on.

"I'd sit this one out, Cap," Natasha said.

"I don't see how I can." Steve said, strapping it on.

"These guys come form legend. They're basically gods." She said.

"There's only one God, ma'am. And I'm pretty sure he doesn't dress like that." He said, jumping off the ship.

When he landed, he saw Iron Man and the mysterious man ripping apart the forest, fighting. He threw his shield in between them.

"That's enough!" He said, as they both looked at him. He jumped down to where they were fighting. He turned to the man. "Now I don't know what you're doing here, but-"

"I've come to put an end to Loki's schemes." He said.

"Then prove it. Put down that hammer." Steve challenged.

"Uh, yeah no." Tony said, "He loves his hamm-"

The man hit him 50 feet back before he could finish his sentence.

"You want me to put me the hammer down?!" He yelled.

He leaped up in the hammer and brought his hammer down on Cap's shield, creating a sonic boom and tearing the forest apart. When the three finally stood up, they just looked at each other.

"Are we done here?" Steve asked.

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