Chapter 16. Find Them

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Akise was leading us somewhere. All of us were walking upon a mountain. Once we got there I could make out a silhouette of a man looking in the distance. I looked at the space he was staring at and I could see a town. An abandoned town. I had an eerie feeling grow stronger and stronger each time I step closer to the town. Something dangerous lies in that town. I just know it.

I looked over at Snowflake and it seems he feels the same vibe. Then he turns his head towards me and we locked eyes.

I couldn't notice but I felt someone staring at me. I look over at the direction the stare was coming from and I just saw Akise turn around quickly.

I give a signal to Snowball saying I'm going ahead of the group with Akise. He looks blankly at me and nodds. I thank him silently and walk ahead to Akise's side. I hold his hand and give him a smile. He lets go of my hand puts his arm around my waist holding me secure and tightly close to him.

"Can you lovebirds stop your PDA?" Kouska complains since he doesn't have anybody. We all giggle and laugh at his comment. Everyone but Snowflake was not amused. He mumbles something and nobody except Akise heard it. They both glared at each other.

"Hello everyone..." The man said while turning around. Nishijima was the man waiting for us. Looking at Akise directly.

"What do we need to do in an abandoned town?" I asked out of curiosity.

"(Last Name)-San we believe that Yukiteru-Kun and Gasai-San are in the city." He explains. "I'd like your assistance for finding Yukiteru-Kun."

I widen my eyes a little bit. Is she taking him captive so she can keep him to herself.

"Why should we?" Asked Kouska.

I raged a little bit before snapping at him.

"Because he's our friend! And don't forget that he's the one who saved your ass at the Kanagawa Prefecture."

Kouska looks at me and turns away. A little amount of annoyance was shown in his eyes. I glare at him while the atmosphere all around us was intense.

I look back at Nishijima.

"I'll do it. Even if THEY won't come with me. Don't worry. We will find them."
Walking towards the city determined to find that pink-haired woman with her submissive man.

I could tell the rest of them were looking at me. I heard them exchange a few words. They all stopped talking which means they all must have decided on something.

The rest eventually followed me.

We all walk in silence.

I stop and turn to the people behind me to see they also halted.

"I think we should all split up. Hinata, Mao, and I will be in one group. Akise, Snowflake, and Kouska will be in another. If you need us then call."
I give out the orders.

They all nod at my plan but Kouska was not having it.

"Are you shitting me (Your Name)?!"

I glare at him opening my mouth to say something. But Hinata interjects.

She yells at him.

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