Chapter 5

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I spent the next 10 minutes trying to call my family with no luck. I decided to call Maia's best friend Lilian in hopes she would know where my family was.

Beep beep

"Hi Athena!"

"Hi Lilian. Sorry to be bothering you but have you spoke to Maia in the last hour or two? I can't seem to get ahold of my family."

"Oh, that's funny. I was actually getting annoyed by her lack of reply to my thousand texts. I just assumed she was busy. Have you tried your other sisters or your parents?"

"Yeah, I haven't had any luck. If Maia replies to you can you please tell her to call me?"

"Of course Athena. Bye!"

She ended the call as I got tired of pacing and sat the kitchen island. Why wasn't anyone picking up the phone? Maia not replying to Lilian since they left was also out of the ordinary.

I could try to go to the mall and search for them there. But the mall was huge and they might come back by then.

I'm probably just overthinking this.

They'll be back soon anyways since mom wants to get some work done and make dinner. I pushed all the worry to the back of my head and went to the couch to binge some Netflix since I didn't want to start painting until I knew my family was home.


Authors note:
So what do you guys think happened??
This chapter was a lot shorter than the others (sorry) but things will start picking up in the next chapter and the ones to come!
Also none of my chapters are edited at all and this story has yet to have a fixed outline so I can change it however I'd like.

One more thing to keep in mind is that Athena is currently talking about the past.

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