Chapter Thirteen;; Fourth Of July

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Today marked the annual fair to celebrate independence day in America where Derry Town throws a big parade with fairground and carnival games throughout the day and then at night it finishes with a beautiful firework display where everyone is with their loved ones cheering.

Catherine never went to the fair, she didn't like the clowns and the people wearing stilts she often didn't like how overcrowded everything was either. Instead, she just stays at home have a bonfire, roasting marshmallows and then climb onto the roof with her sister where they smoked and watched the fireworks talking about sweet nothing all night. If they were lucky, Donna would manage to steal some of their mother's beer in the fridge and take up. It was that day when Catherine learned she hated the taste of alcohol and thought it was grim.

The brunette was sat down in Eddie's front yard drinking milkshakes and listening to him ramble on about the fair, the memories he's had with their friends and how she must go this year with them. It was quite amusing to her that he wanted Catherine to desperately go with him.

"Come on there must be at least one thing you like about the fair Cathy. You can't give me the whole its not my thing attitude either!" Eddie sipped on the straw trying to be careful not to spill any all over his drive knowing his mother would freak out if she came home from work to see Milkshake all over the driveway.

"Okay okay," Catherine giggled a little seeing the excitement in those chocolate orbs she found herself staring into all the time. Catherine sipped on her own banana milkshake licking the straw a little, her eyes lightening up at the sweet taste. "I love having candy floss and playing some carnival games especially lucky dips they're always so fun, you always win something no matter how shit the present is".

"See that's better than nothing" Eddie stood up brushing himself down "come on let's go" he held his hand out helping Catherine stand up.


"We're going to go because its fun and I don't like much, but I've always liked going to the fair and you will too after today" Eddie opened his fanny pack grabbing some wipes and cleaned his hands that were growing sticky from holding the milkshake in his hands, the whipped cream melting down the plastic cup.

Catherine threw her empty cup into the trash can taking a wipe from Eddie wiping her hands and holding onto Eddie's hand as they walked to his bike not wasting any time, Catherine climbed onto the back of it wrapping her arms around his waist smiling to herself. Things had been so good between the pair of them and it felt like Catherine was in a little daze every time she saw him. Although she was desperately wanting Eddie to ask her to be his girlfriend Catherine liked the little bubble they were in right now!

Halfway through Derry Town centre, the couple had met up with the rest of the losers and they all peddled towards the fair as one big group everyone held excited smiles on their faces at the thought of just reading and letting the day bring some wonderful memories to them.

When they arrived at the fair Catherine climbed off the bike and looked around seeing that it was already packed with kids screaming running around, parents shouting over for their children to slow down, couples winning each other prizes and going on rides together, elderly couples trying out the different foods and carnival games. Just like she thought everything was manic and wild.

Her eyes glanced across to Eddie who was already staring at her giving her a reassuring smile taking her hand, gently squeezing it to help her. "Just remember that it's summer and we should be having fun" Eddie gave her a smile before pulling her along with him.

They all got their tokens and tickets heading towards the many stands and stalls, her eyes wandering around before seeing a lucky dip. "Hey look" she pulled Eddie over with her, her heart racing a little with excitement as she looked over at the woman hosting the stall.

"One token each to try the lucky dip" the woman beamed giving the pair of them a smile.

Catherine handed the woman a token sliding her hand into the large box filled with wrapped items that were hidden with tissue paper. She pulled her hand out seeing a small box, her eyes glancing around the neatly wrapped item waiting for Eddie to have his go seeing him also pull out a small looking box.

"Let's open them" Catherine giggled as Eddie quickly put a hand sanitizer over the palms of his hands rubbing it before they tore off the little wrapping paper. Catherine looked at the item seeing that she won a bag of candy lollipops making her grin a little. "Can't go wrong with these" she unwrapped the cherry flavour popping into her mouth watching Eddie's face.

"I got lip balm, lime flavour" Eddie couldn't help, but laugh a little along with Catherine taking one of her lollipops.

"Wow that's perfect for you Eds, next we need to get you some blusher" Richie nudged him playfully pushing his glasses up before he gave the lady a token pulling out a medium-sized box. "See I get the best because I am the best" Richie pulled open the present frowning a little "who the fuck wants cat food as a surprise?" Richie grumbled putting the can on the ground.

"That's your karma trashmouth" Catherine laughed at the boy's scrunched up face looking around.

"Let's go over here" Eddie pulled the petite girl over towards the bottle knock, the excitement radiating off him which only made Catherin's heart melt slightly at how his eyes lit up at everything around him it was like watching a puppy get excited over having treats.

Eddie placed two tokens on the stand grabbing the little baseballs throwing it against the milk bottles watching him miss the first set, but hit the last two which made him win a medium-sized prize. "Winner" the man hosting the stall called ringing the bell, looking between the pair of them.

"You can choose a prize" Eddie's cheeks tinted pink nudging Catherine forward. "I want you to have it" Eddie's cheeks depend with colour making Catherine blush herself.

"Can we have that one" her eyes lit up as she pointed towards the dolphin teddy on the side, it wasn't huge, but it wasn't small it was something she could easily carry around. Catherine's excitement grew watching as the man pulled the dolphin off the side handing it over to her.

"Thankyou Eds" Catherine placed a soft kiss to his cheek ignoring the stares the losers gave them. "We need a name for the Dolphin you know".

"I like the name asshole because these games are shit" Richie looked over at them stuffing his hands in his pocket looking over at the road where the marching band began to play "Oo that looks like fun" Richie sprinted off over towards the marching band.

"w-wh-what about flipper" Bill stuttered out with a smile as he handed Beverly a little teddy bear that he won her.

"That's a great name Bill" Catherine smiled giving the Dolphin a squeeze, her eyes meeting Eddie's deep chocolate brown ones sending butterflies through her stomach. "Maybe you were right after about the fair we may have only just got here, but its been pretty great already" she walked beside Eds.

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