Chapter Five;; ever heard of swimming?

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The bike ride was quite quiet, Neither one of them had spoken since they left the ally way. Eddie's cheeks were burning red as he felt the girl's arms around his waist as he rode through Derry. 

He had been whispering to himself about hoping he wouldn't get aids from touching Ben's blood and muttering about tomorrow. Although none of them was talking to Catherine she felt comfortable around Eddie as weird as it sounded he made her feel comfortable. Sure he could be a blushing mess or not very good with his words but she felt like she could trust him with everything. In fact, she felt like she could trust all the losers, they were new friends to her and she finally felt a sense of belonging.

"Thank you Eddie" Catherine broke the silence shifting behind Eddie, keeping her arms wrapped around Eddie's waist. Her head resting against his back gently though she was sure he was sweating through nerves she couldn't help but find it truly adorable. "I don't think I could have fixed someone up that fast and also give a ride to a random person so thank you". 

"Oh well um, it's okay" Eddie's cheeks darkened turning into a crimson blush "Its n-no problem really, thank you for making the day interesting. I mean not that my friends are boring but I wasn't enjoying being in the barrens and well you kind of came at the right time" he rambled slightly peddling through the different streets of Derry.

Small giggles left Catherine's lips as she listened to the poor boy ramble on he truly was different to any guy she's met. "Well if it helps you saved a lot of blood loss, panic attacks and you also lightened the mood bickering back and fourth with Richie". 

"We do that almost every day you'll get bored of it eventually, everyone does... even I do sometimes, Richie is just something else, you'll find that out the more you hang out with us. Well, that's if you're not thinking we're losers already and deciding to never see us again".

You could almost hear the disappointment in Eddie's voice as he finished his sentence. 

"Oh, you're all losers alright" Catherine joked laughing a little "but so am I so I guess it's fine with me, besides I like being around you all so you might see more of me," The smile on her face widened feeling more accepted as they spoke.

When Eddie's bike came to a stop outside her navy blue house Catherine slipped off the bike fixing her backpack strap before turning her attention to Eddie who quickly looked at shoes, obviously staring at her whilst she was looking away. Classic move. 

"I'll see you around Eds" Catherine ruffled his hair grinning "it was nice meeting you today, I had a good day even though Ben was pouring out with blood". 

"It was nice meeting you too" Eddie glanced up at her staring into her beautiful grey eyes, the pair of them locked in a stare that was almost like they were hypnotized almost in a trance-like state.  

Staying like that for a few seconds, Catherine quickly broke the gaze her cheeks flushing a light pink her eyes darting towards the ground before waving awkwardly at the brunette. "Bye Eds". 

"Catherine wait!" Eddie called just as her back was turned to him. "Do you maybe want to come to the quarry tomorrow?" Eddie shifted slightly looking at the grass expecting her to decline. Almost everyone did when he was younger when he was trying to make friends, he used to people calling him names, he was used to people not wanting to befriend him. 

The smile had widened on the petite girl's lips as she turned around to give Eddie one last glance nodding her head "I'll stop by tomorrow" she went into her backpack grabbing a scrap piece of paper scribbling her number down before handing it to him. "That's my landline in my room... call me if you can and tell me what time you want me to be there... see you later Eds" she turned around walking into her house leaving the Kaspbrak boy flustered on his bike staring at the phone number in his hands. 

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