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Jeongin's POV

We all sat on the couch waiting for Eunji and Hyunjin to go down.

"Chan! Can you get the keys in the kitchen?" Eunji shouted

"Okay" Chan said and went to the kitchen

"Hyunjin, locked his room again?" Seungmin

"Should we go up there?" Jisung asked me

I nodded, we went to Eunji and she's trying to knock for a lot of times but Hyunjin is not responding.

"Hyunjin? Please open the door. Your friends are here" Eunji said and tried to open the door "He locked it, again. He always does this"

"Here" Chan said and gave Eunji the keys

Eunji opened the door and entered. The three of us stayed outside. Chan turned on the lights when we heard something fell.

"Hyunjin! Wake up!" Eunji shouted and tried shaking Hyunjin

"Is he sleeping?" Jisung asked

"N-No! Chan bring him to the hospital!" Eunji shouted and her hands are shaking "Hwang Hyunjin! Wake up!!!"

The three of us rushed inside and we saw blood flowing from Hyunjin's wrist. Chan quickly carried him and we all ran downstairs.

"Minho! Drive the car!" Chan shouted and they ran outside

No one's talking and we all went to the hospital, hoping nothing will happen to Hyunjin. What the hell is he thinking? Why would he do that? We arrived at the hospital and the nurses and doctors brought Hyunjin to the emergency room. Eunji is crying while everyone's dumbfounded.

"C-Chan, please call Eric" Eunji begged

Chan can't do anything and called Eric while he is hugging his girlfriend. We all badly want to go inside but we can't. We need to wait here until he transfer to his private room.

"I hope he is fine" Felix whispered

"He'll be fine" Minkyu

"Why does this have to happen to Hyunjin? He is suffering so much. I hope this will end soon" Minho

"Eunji! What happened?!" Eric shouted while running to us "What happened to Hyunjin?"

"I-I don't know. I-I heard something fell on the floor, C-Chan opened the lights and I saw blood" Eunji answered while crying

"Eric, he is fine, right?" Jisung asked

"I don't know, I am not sure. Let's just hope he is fine" Eric sighed and sat

A doctor came out of the emergency room.

"How is he?" Eric asked

"He lost a lot of blood. Since he is blood type B, he can receive bloods from B+, B-, O+, O-, I guess some of you has those kind of blood types?" doctor asked

"We're all compatible to his blood type but I'll do it" Chan

"Okay, you just have to sign the form" the doctor said

"Let's go" Eric said and left with Chan

I hope he is really fine.

"Eunji, you should take a rest. Tomorrow is your flight" Minkyu

"Yeah, we will take care of Hyunjin" Seungmin

"Changbin, can you bring her home?" Jisung

"N-No, I'll stay here. I want to stay here. I can't leave if they will not tell me he is fine" Eunji

"But you need to rest for your flight" Minho

"I'll be fine" Eunji whispered

"Jisung and Felix, buy some food for Eunji" Minkyu

"No, you don't have to. I am really fine" Eunji

"You have to eat, Eunji or we will take you home" Minho

Eunji didn't answered and sighed. Jisung and Felix left the hospital. I heard some sobs beside me. It's Eunji, she's crying.

"Don't cry. Hyunjin will be fine" I said and gave her my handkerchief

"If only I knew this will happen. I should've not left his room earlier. I should've stayed there the whole day" Eunji

"Are you guys still going to Singapore? How about Hyunjin? He needs you and Eric" Jeongin

"I-I'm going to stay. What I saw tonight is enough reason to stay. We can't let this happen again. He might do it over and over again if we leave" Eunji

"We came up with a plan. If you guys are still going to Singapore. We will stay at your house and we divided to two teams"

"You all can stay there even though we're not going to leave. Hyunjin needs his friends, and I know you all can help him. He loves you all so much and I know it's you guys who can help him get over" Eunji

"I-I hope he is going to be fine" I whispered

"He spends all of his days in his room. He is not even eating nor drinking water. He always cry while reading Areum's letter for him. I tried to talk to him but he is not responding to me. I thought after sending Areum away he will be fine. I saw him smiled that time and he even said goodbye. But it became harder for him everynight. He always blame is his self, he said someone died again because of him. I don't really know why he is blaming his self. I don't think he is connected to Areum's death. I told him a thousand times but he is not listening. I hope he is going to be fine" Eunji sighed and interlocked her own hands "Areum is the first girl who made his heart flutter. He promised that he will marry Areum and will live with her after Areum got discharge. But everything fall apart, his plans turns into ashes. He showed me once the ring he is going to give Areum. He even asked me how to court a girl that day before he meet with Uncle Joon. I didn't know he will be crazy over her. But I can't blame Hyunjin, he fell inlove..."

"I guess falling inlove can be painful sometimes..." I whispered

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