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Jinah's POV


"Jinah! Are you ready? Did you packed your things?" Mom asked as she entered my room

"Mom..." I whispered as I looked at out picture "Do I really need to marry Jeongin? Can't we just join forces without forcing us to marry each other? You know, we are still young. We want to experience a lot of things instead of getting married. I've never experienced a blind date or drinking at bars. I didn't go on a date with my admirers. Then, I am getting married all of a sudden? We are living in one roof. I am a woman, I can't live in one roof with a man. This is crazy, Mom"

"I'm sorry, I'm doing this for you. I'm not doing this for the company only. This is for you too. Jeongin can give you a better future and he is a nice guy. I know you guys will fall inlove with each other. You might hate each other because, ofcourse, it's still the beginning. The company might end anytime soon. So, I want to secure your future. I'm not using Jeongin, okay? I'm not using you either. It's just a coincidence that his parents want him to meet someone better and it's their families' tradition. I hope you understand, Jinah. I love you so much" Mom said and hugged me

"What am I going to do? I am too soft for you Mom. I understand what you want. I also agree that he is a nice guy but we are still young. Maybe we can just stay in a relationship then get married after college"

"I agree with you but Jeongin is at the right age of getting married according to their families' tradition" Mom

"Jeongin is here" Dad said

"Yeah, I'll go down" I smiled

We went downstairs and Dad is carrying all of my thingd outside. Why does it look like they are kicking me out of the house?

"I'll see you tomorrow" Mom smiled

"Yeah, I love you" I hugged her and went outside

"Take care you two" Dad said and went inside

I hop in the car and Jeongin started driving. This is crazy. I think everything's awkward between us because of what happened yesterday at the columbarium. He even told our parents that he planned about what happened the other day.

"Whose car is this?"

"Minho owns this. I borrowed this car since I will need a big space for your things" Jeongin

"Ah, how about your stuffs?"

"It's already there" Jeongin

I nodded and looked at the window.

"Let's try not to be awkward. I want us to be comfortable since we are living in one roof from now on" Jeongin

"Yeah" I smiled

As soon as we arrived I carried some of my things inside while Jeongin carried the others including my luggages.

"Are we sleeping in one room?" I asked

"This house has one master's bedroom and one guest room. I can sleep in the guest room since there's no one here but us. You can use the master's bedroom" Jeongin

"You can put your things in our room in case our parents will check us out" I said and entered the master's bedroom "Wow"

This is bigger than I thought. It has couple bed size, a wireless telephone on the side table. We already have a hanging smart tv, play station, double couch, a big teddy bear! Waaaah! I ran and hugged the teddy bear.

"You are cute!" I said and hugged it tight

"That's Jeongjeong" Jeongin said

"Why Jeongjeong? From your name?"

"Yes, and also my brother's name" Jeongin said and put the luggage on the side "I have a surprise for you"

"What is it?" I asked and went to him

He opened a double door and it showed a WALK-IN-CLOSET!!!

"This is heaven!!!!" I shouted and entered

"That's not my only surprise" Jeongin said and pointed beside me

I looked beside me and saw a puppy sleeping at her place. Waaaaah! So cute!

"Cute! This is a bolognese! Cutieee!" I pouted and carried the puppy

"She still doesn't have a name. You might wanna name her?" Jeongin

"What do you think suits her?"

"I call her Hae means Ocean" Jeongin

"It's Hae" I smiled and kissed the puppy

Why so cute? Aaaargh!

"Let's take a tour since you still didn't see this place" Jeongin

I followed him while carrying Hae.

"This is the master's bedroom. Actually this room doesn't have a walk in closet. I told someone to put a walk in closet since you love clothes, jewelry, bags, shades, and shoes so much. We have a bathroom here ofcourse" Jeongin said and went to the guest room "This is the guest room. I did put two double decks on purpose. My friends loves staying at someone's house. I put a tv here too"

Jeongin opened the next door beside our room "This is our workplace. Your things and mines are here. This cannot be entered by someone except foe us" we went downstairs "This is the living room, your parents told me you love plants. I did put some plant in each rooms even here and in the kitchen. That is our kitchen and the door you will see there. It will lead you to our pool area"

"Wait- How come we already hve appliances? We just got here"

"Our parents bought it except for Hae. I bought her for you. Your parents told me that you love bolognese dogs. You might feel bored staying here. So...." Jeongin

"Thanks! You are the best!" I said and pinched his cheeks

"But that doesn't mean we're close" Jeongin smirked and went upstairs

"Where are you going?"

"I will arrange your clothes" Jeongin

"No! I'll take care of that!" I said and ran upstairs


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