Literally this girl was crazy, insane, and not mention full of herself. Her name was Skye Rich, and she had the hugest ego in school. She had this "posse" they were exactly like her just less crazy. They followed her wherever she went and did everything that she said. You could have sworn they were robots.
Skye was the kind of girl that if you didn't pay attention to her she would just go insane. So when she walked down the hallway (because out of fear) everyone would clap or say hi to her. Sometimes on the other hand if people didn't do that she would threaten everyone that she would do something drastic or dire. Plus she wouldn't be nice to the people that actually cared to pay attention to her, that's what really ticked me off.
What your probably wondering right now is who I am. Well let's just say I'm that kind of girl that wants to be known but keeps getting pushed down every time she almost gets to the top. It's sad I know. I am Skye's neighbor and used to be one of her best friends until she realized that was hurting her perfect image of popular and rich. Our dad's used to be business partners until her dad went crazy (that Apple does fall far from the tree. I guess) and decided that my dad making more money was worse than diying a very slow painful death. So her dad left the company and my dad managed to find an even better person for the job and he help the company build into a multi-million dollar corporation. That's when she started hating me. Now your still wondering what name is and we'll your just going to have to find that out.