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"Baby" A faint voice said, as I ignored it, having no intention of opening my eyes.

"Baby, come on, wake up." The voice said again and began shaking me. I groaned, turning over on my side, completely annoyed at whosoever decided to disturb my sleep.

"Petal, open your eye's, I know you're tired, but we got stuff to do." The voice said, and this time I recognized the owner of the voice to be tae's. Finally giving in, I opened my eyes, and was immediately blinded by the small rays of sunlight beaming through the blinds. This cause me to close my eye's once again, sitting up and stretching my limbs.

I stood up still stretching, as a pair of arms made their way around my waist. I relaxed, knowing it was Taehyung. He back hugged me resting his chin on my shoulder.

"Good morning beautiful." He said kissing the nape of my neck,  as I ran my hands through his hair, turning my head sideways pecking his lips.

"Morning TaeTae" I said pulling away from him and heading to the bathroom. I did my normal morning routine, except this time, I got dressed up, seeing as we were leaving in a bit.

I exited our room and walked downstairs to see the kids already dressed, waiting for Tae who was 'making breakfast'. I looked over at him struggling, his eyes lighting up when he saw me ascending the stairs. The kitchen and Taehyung, definitely does not go well together.

"Hi mommy" Jungtae said as I approached the table kissing his head.

"Hi bubba" I said to him, going to his sister.

"And hello to you pretty girl" I  said kissing her cheeks and snuggling my nose in her neck, causing her to giggle.

I walked over to Taehyung, taking the spoon from his hand kissing his cheek and sending him off.

"Tae go get ready, I'll  make breakfast and when you're done, we can leave."  He nodded walking off, heading upstairs.

I grabbed some ingredients from the cupboard, whipping up something for the kids to have for breakfast, finishing, and serving them. While jungtae was having the time of his life eating and making a mess, I was struggling with having taeyoon taste the food.

"Princess come just one bite." I plead and she shook her head.

"No mommy, 'Mulk'," she said stretching for the box of banana milk. I sighed before turning back to her. 

"No baby, You have to eat something first, then we have milk," I said, putting yet another spoonful of food in her mouth, only having her spit it back out wiping her tongue with her hand.

"No mommy, Nassy."  She said, scrunching her eyebrows together and pushing her tongue out. At this point I gave up, seeing as she said the food was 'nasty'. I handed her the box of milk and she took it, smiling wide as ever. Goddamn. If I knew my child would be born with an unhealthy obsession with banana milk, I'd stop drinking this shit a long time ago.  

I excused myself from the table, cleaning up, before walking to the car getting the kids situated and getting in the passenger seat, seeing tae coming outside, locking the door. 

"Is everybody ready?" he asked as he came in the car. We all answered with a yes, as he started the car and drove off. 



The car drive was an absolute mess. Taeyoon kept crying for banana milk, and if she wasn't crying, she was fighting with jungtae, and if they weren't fighting, Jungtae would be telling us to stop at every restaurant he saw, so he could get some Japchae. This was beyond my expectations, I swear if this continues, I'm going to detonate. 

"Daddy are we there yet?" Jungtae said out of nowhere.

"Not, yet," tae replied and he sat back and was quiet again.

"Mommy, are we there yet?" He asked me, yet again. 

"Not yet baby, in 20 mins," I said and he began counting. 

"19...20.. It's 20, so why are we still moving?" He said and i sighed. 

"Baby, I said minutes not seconds."  I heard him sit back mentioning an 'Oh'. A couple minutes went by and guess what, jungtae decided to ask, yet again. 

"Daddy are we there ye-"

"KIM JUNGTAE, WE ARE NOT THERE YET, SIT BACK AND RELAX UNTIL WE REACH." I snapped at him, Immediately regretting it as soon as the words left my mouth.

"I'M s-sorry m-mommy, I'll B-be S-silent." He said and my heart sunk. I didn't intend nor wanted to yell at him, it just came out and now I felt really guilty and bad about it. I turned around In my seat, facing him, holding my hand out and taking his in mine, kissing it. 

"Bubba, mommy is sorry for yelling at you, Mommy just doesn't feel well okay? How about you take a little nap until we get there?" I said and he looked at me, stroking my hands before leaning back and closing his eyes.  

I turned around in my seat and sat back sighing. I soon felt taehyungs hands on my thigh stroking it, I looked over at him, and he glances at me before turning back to the road. 

"You okay baby?" He asked me, still stroking my thigh in a soothing manner.

"Mhm, I'm just tired, that's all," I replied, and he took my hands in his kissing it. 

"We're almost there, then you can take a nap," he said and I nodded, intertwining our hands together. I looked behind me to see both kids sleeping, and I mentally facepalmed myself. They decided to go to sleep when there was 5 mins left in the car ride. 

I turned around in my seat, feeling excitement run through my veins, as we neared the Kim's leisure house.

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