Chapter 4

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It had been a few weeks since school had started and I had found a healthy routine, school, work, training on the weekends and then rinse and repeat. I had met some others at the school but mostly it was simply a bunch of qualifications tests and more tests to see where you were going to be placed to better compensate for you and your magic. The reason it took weeks was because many of the upper mages that were usually the ones to handle all of this were called away to meet with the council of grand mages. Something about some new type of magic and new monsters that had sprung up, I wasn't bothered because I knew that it would all come in time and I would finally witness my dream come true. To become as powerful as I could. Or become a new god.

I yawned as I woke up and looked around my room, my school uniform was hanging on the door to the bathroom and my work uniform underneath that. I stood and stretched groaning as my bones cracked and I sighed in anticipation for today, it was time for classes to actually start. Well the specific classes, the teachers and aids were back for the most part so they were having these big tests as a final integration into the school, we were told that it wouldn't matter how we score in terms of not getting in because everyone that was already accepted got classes no matter what, this was a test for the magic classes and to see where we ranged in terms of power, mobility, efficiency, and tactical superiority. To say I was excited was an understatement, we didn't know what the tests would consist of but I would finally be able to fight others, it wasn't a bunch of written tests, demonstrations of our power or questionnaires. This was the real thing.

I slipped into my work uniform then put my school uniform over it. I looked into the mirror, the school uniform were simple robes that could be worn over any other clothes for simple taking off if need be. I nodded to myself as I grabbed my bag and left for my class, I greeted the people that I had come to know as I walked, Nan the old grocer, Steve the baker and more. I soon at the gates of Pixonia and smiled as I bumped into a colleague and exclaimed  "Benjah! How are you?"

The elf jumped as he looked up from digging through his satchel "Oh! Hey Sam, big day huh? You're never here this early?" I chuckled and gently scratched the back of my head and nodded "Yeah, it's the day of combat initiation. Ya know the combat classes are supposed to to start since the teachers are back from their whole gathering."

He nodded and smiled as he closed his satchel "That's right, it is today isn't it. I'll be in the stands rooting for ya!" He smiled more then trotted off with a happy gait leaving me none the wiser.

I got to my classroom and nodded to the teacher who simply blinked in greeting, soon the class filled and our teacher stretched as he stood and gazed at us. "Today's the day, all our teacher's are either back or will be back so the combat classes  will begin after today. As we have said and prepared you for, there will be an...initiation of sorts. All the mages will compete in this test and our teachers will choose their pupils, a group of mages that they will personally teach and mentor during their time here. You will all be chosen by a teacher at the end in a ceremony. The test begins in about ten minutes, change out of your uniforms and into your battle gear. Make sure you have your pendants on as well." He declared. 

We all nodded and quickly changed out of our clothes and into our degrees of armor. I had upgraded my armor so that instead of being inside an amulet it was simply the armor but had chimera scales and mane appropriated into it. I had also appropriated the chimera crystal that I had acquired all those weeks ago, I had planted it into the breastplate of my armor and it powered up my magic with tiny bursts, or one big burst. The downside was that it cracked which each burst of power eventually breaking if too much. Well exploding. Our class had experienced that first-hand when we were experimenting with them. The poor guy still had the face scars. I stretched and walked over to a girl who was standing by the window staring at the looming walls of the stadium. "Hey Garcia, what do you think the whole test will consist of?" I asked as I leaned against the window opposite her.

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