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Asmodeus I stand at the window staring outside, knowing that I don't have long to complete what must be done, so turning around, I sit behind my desk and pour myself a shot of whiskey. I can't think about what is to come, it will only make this more difficult, sighing I pull out a sheet of paper and begin to write.

My Dearest Daughter,

I know this might come as quite the shock for you but there are important things that you must know. You see, I know that I shall die tonight but unfortunately there is nothing that can be done to change that because it would put your life in danger and I would do anything to stop that. This might be hard to grasp but you need to know what happened between your mother and I.

It's important for you to know that I never left you or your mother, she simply ran from me, taking you with her. You must understand that she was trying to hurt me because I didn't have feelings for her and yet I loved you. It's understandable that she would feel pained, I just wish that the pain I caused wouldn't be taken out on you. I know I must have hurt her deeply but our kind cannot feel such strong emotions towards humans, unless we wish for travesty to befall them. I tried to tell her as much as I could but I knew if she found out the truth, she would kill you out of fear. It is such a human emotion, fear it drives good people to do unthinkable things as it did her.

She left in the middle of the night when you were only six months old. The idea that she could take the most precious thing in all the worlds from me completely broke me. I could not believe I had lost the most important person in my life. For a long time I sat in your nursery staring at the walls, singing your favorite lullaby doing anything that I could just to feel close to you. I was a mess after that, desperate to find you. I’ve done many unspeakable things in my search for clues to help me find you. I would have given anything to be able to see you again. I searched the city far and wide hoping for any scrap that she may have left behind but you were nowhere to be found. This went on for three years until one day I finally found you, I was so overjoyed that I had managed to locate you that I nearly went out of my mind trying to reach you hoping that I could talk your mother around. I went straight to the house that she had kept you in wishing that my charm could win her over but hindsight is twenty-twenty, I soon realized this was not the smartest decision I could have made as all I did was make her feel trapped. Her reaction made me think of the human film Dirty Dancing except as a horror as they said 'no one puts baby in a corner'.

When she answered the door and saw me standing there instead of the joy I was hoping for there was pure unadulterated rage. She immediately attacked reminding me of a fierce cat as she went straight for my eyes and even as I tried to fight her off I didn't want to cause her any physical harm. I wish that she felt the same towards you as to threaten me, she told me how you would breathe your last breath if I ever tried to contact you. I couldn't see you in the house and didn't know where you were. So I couldn't take you away, I had to leave without you. If I had the chance that day, knowing what was to come. I would have made sure not to leave without you in my arms. I was losing my baby girl all over again. I didn't want to believe that a mother who is supposed to protect her child could so easily toss you to the wolves so to speak. Mothers are supposed to be willing to give up their lives to protect their young but with my inability to love her it seems that I broke something deep down inside of her. Her eyes just looked empty, I really never meant to hurt your mother. I did care for her at one point. Just not the way she wanted me to. If things were different I could even picture us as any other normal family but alas dreams are meant to stay just that, dreams.

You see now, I had to stay away, had to protect the one thing that meant the world to me. I know that I let you down and you can probably never find it within yourself to forgive this foolish old man but you deserve the full truth from me. You are different from those that you surround yourself with, you are far from a mere weak mortal and on your twenty-first birthday you will begin to transition gaining your birthright. Your mother did not know the full truth of who I am, I thought it would be for the best so as to leave her mind intact, humans cannot handle the truth of our kind as they only see what history and religious cults wish them to see. As much as I loathed the idea of you growing up not knowing who you truly are I honestly thought at that time that I was doing the best thing to keep you safe. I had my people watching over you everyday and stepping in when it was safe to do so but they could never get involved when it was with your mother. She was cold and calculated, leaving me no choice but to keep my distance no matter how much I longed for the opposite.

I don't blame her for that but you need to know the truth, if you are to ever get through these changes. My real name is Asmodeus and I am the Prince of Lust, one of the strongest demons in existence. They call me and my brothers Archdemons and we rule over the domain of hell.

I know this may be hard for you and I am sorry I won't be there to explain more. Just know that all of the information about our bloodline and other demons are in the books surrounding you in my study. I wish that there was more that I could have done to prepare you. I understand that you may not believe me, but you are a half demon. I just want you to know that does not make you an evil creature, you are still yourself.
I have friends who help to run the business that I left you and they are demons as well. Not as strong as I, though they are the strongest warriors I know and I trust them with my entire being. They are my Knights, my right hand men.

There are certain things that will start to happen to your body and senses.  They will protect you while  you are most vulnerable during these changes, guiding you on the road to controlling your powers. Again, I am so sorry I wasn't there when you needed me. I always watched from a distance and did what I could to help you without your mother becoming suspicious of my interference. I am sorry it was not enough to protect you.

I want you to know that I am proud of you and that I love you more than I can ever write in words.

Your Father,


I finish writing the letter, putting my pen down before placing it in an envelope and scrawling her name across its front, sealing it with a wax stamp of our family crest. I carefully place it in my top drawer before locking it and hiding the key in the back of my most recent picture of my beautiful daughter. I get myself comfortable, as I finish my drink while I await my fate.  Suddenly the window explodes as a body comes crashing through it. The figure rolls to a stop on their knees, with a black hood obscuring their features from me. I can't even make out if my foe is male or female, as I ponder over who it could be. They lunge to their feet, dashing towards me before I have time to react. All I manage to  see is a smirk as they plunge a blade straight through my heart. Looking down I know exactly what I will find. There protruding from my chest is a blade carved from the bone of a fae, one of the only things to have been created which can kill a member of the royal bloodline. My killer perches on the edge of my desk, refilling my glass and getting comfortable to watch as my body slowly begins to turn to ash and embers.

The stranger simply grins as I start to disintegrate yet what they say is truly the killing blow. “She's the brotherhood's now.” Before I completely fade from this world, I try to call to her through our blood link. Hoping she will hear my warning. “Lill-ith h-hear my p-plea, be s-strong” The stranger stalks towards me and leans down with an evil grin. The last thing I hear while I draw my last breaths is their maniacal laughter and I know that there is nothing more I can do to protect her.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2020 ⏰

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