Chapter 8

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Sex hangover? That's a new one on me, Becca. Near as I can find out, that only happens in a bond. Usually you just feel a bit spent the next day. In the good way, obvs, but spent all the same. No lasting ill effects. But Isibeal is married to another werewolf, so I asked her and she said it can be like that. Doesn't mean you're soulmates or any of that rubbish, but it means you're compatible, I guess. That you belong? Something like that. Does this mean my little cousin has finally found someone? Do tell!

As soon as she read the text, Becky regretted so many things. Since werewolves were rare, she could hardly use the set-up of 'a friend' needing advice, but she also hadn't specifically mentioned herself. And what the hell did 'happens in a bond' mean? Caitlin said that and then a few lines down said it had nothing to do with soulmates. None of it made sense, and none of it was anything she felt comfortable showing to Seth. He would be expecting a reply, though, so she texted him her room number and a quick message: Didn't get useful info, though, so if you don't want to come, it's cool.

There in 5, Seth replied, and two minutes later, there was a knock on her door. "I didn't run here, I swear," he said with a bashful smile when she let him in. "My room's not far."

Becky raised an eyebrow when he set his bag on the entry table. "Do you go anywhere without that fanny pack? As a human, anyway?"

"It's a cross-body bag," he replied with a hint of defensiveness, "and it's handy."

"Cross-body bag? Did Cesaro tell you that? Just because he's European doesn't mean he's right, you know." Becky gestured to the small writing desk. Telling Seth to sit on the bed seemed like an invitation to trouble. They were probably going to end up there anyway, but that didn't mean she had make it obvious before the draft from the door opening had even settled.

"So what did your cousin say?" Seth settled in the desk chair and glanced towards the window. From the outside, they were heavily tinted, but Becky had the curtains open so she could look at the moon. "Did we do something wrong?"

Becky bit her lip. Aside from the obvious? There were so many cautionary tales about not getting involved with a friend, and here she was, basically planning to have sex with him in less than a week. "No. She said some people are just more . . . compatible. For lack of a better word. Werewolf concepts don't always translate well into words," she finished weakly, walking over to the window and gazing out at the dark sky. She always tried to get a room that would face the moon if she could, and now she wondered if Seth did the same. There was so much she missed about being around other werewolves, so many little things lacking in her daily life that pack werewolves took for granted.

"Compatible," Seth echoed, mouth lingering on the first syllable—and Becky's gaze lingering in turn on his lips before she forced herself to to look through the window again. "What does that mean in a pack context? I know the whole thing with alphas and omegas is bullshit, at least with natural wolves in the wild, but do packs have a hierarchy? Is that what she meant by compatible—that we'd work well together in a pack?"

Yeah, let's go with that. Becky shrugged, watching her pale reflection move along with her. "Like I said, werewolf concepts don't always translate well. It's about instincts and energy. . . ." In the shining glass, she saw Seth stand up and walk to meet her at the window, not quite standing behind her but not fully beside either. She had felt his warmth when he was still out of reach; now that he was so close, it was almost like sitting next to a campfire. "Maybe. I guess. Not that it matters," Becky added in a strained voice. Even the reflection of Seth's gaze made her heart flutter, so she turned and looked the other way. "Because we're not a pack."

"Why? Because we're not related? Packs can't only be made up of family members unless inbreeding is another thing that doesn't affect werewolves." Seth placed a gentle hand on her shoulder. "Would you look at me, please?"

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