Smooth Smothie Bar

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Luxanna turned her head to the source of the feminine voice calling out to her. Sarah Fortune was grinning, her sly emerald eyes spoke of mischief. Some of the other star guardians had grouped at their lunch table, the noisy sounds of the cafeteria drowned out while she was in thought.

Syndra wasn't paying much attention, instead working in her notebook, with Lulu looking past her arm to copy her work. Jinx sat across from her, playing with a piece of jelly on her fork, snickering at whatever Sarah had said, and Ezreal sitting next to Jinx, looking quite flustered, but still had his goofy, stupid smirk plastered on.

Sarah curled an eyebrow, waiting for Lux to answer.

Lux sighed, not at all wanting to hear the question again, "Sure."

Syndra looked over to her with a surprised expression, giving Lulu time to really read into her notebook. Jinx dropped her fork with a clattering sound, a huge smile on her face, and Sarah was taken aback completely.

And Ezreal was just staring blankly at her.

Lux took a heavy breath, not in the mood for whatever they were making a big deal of.

"I'm not hungry, I'll see you at class." Lux got up, taking her backpack and walking away, a scowl on her face.

The nights had been busier lately, the forces of darkness were coming in larger forces every night, and it felt like every time they closed a rift, another opened with the same creatures from the night before, plus a little more.

Lux rounded the corner, finding the fire escape and walking right through, taking the stairs up to the rooftop.

On top of it all, all of her classes decided to set up assignments to be due on the same date. While Lux usually had a good work ethic, it was becoming more difficult to work with her nights being taken up.

She shoved open the rooftop door a little harder than she intended, a loud crash echoed down the stairwell. Lux stood in the middle of the rooftop, staring into the dark clouds above. She looked down, her eyes slightly hooded in disappointment.

Of course it was going to rain.

The rooftop door opened behind her. Lux cursed under her breath.

"Hey, Lux!"

And of course, the blonde dork followed her up here.

"Hello, Ezreal." Lux returned, a small smile on her face.

"So, uh, about earlier," He scratched the back of his head, looking away bashfully. Lux rolled her eyes, impatience gnawed at to rush him along so she could get back to being alone.

It had been too long since she had any time to herself. School, night patrols, assignments and study had eaten up all her time, and while she usually didn't mind being with her friends, she already spent most of her time with them at school and night patrols.

"What about earlier?" Lux tried to keep her voice the same, high pitched up-beat tone as always. It just made her feel tired.

"Well, I was wondering if you, well, if you would want to," His grin shook into an anxious laugh.

Lux's eyebrow twitched, doing her best to keep calm. He babbled when he got nervous, and usually it was pretty fun because someone was making him flustered, usually one of the other girls teasing him over something silly.

"Would you want to go hit the Smooth Smoothie Bar this evening?" He tried, giving her his trademark smile, finger guns and a wink.

Wind passed by briefly, the only sound on the rooftop. He didn't move keeping his stupid pose for a full minute.

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