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ethandolan: hey wyd

AlexC: sorry I was in class

ethandolan: no worries
ethandolan: probably should've texted later

AlexC: have the schools over there started?

ethandolan: in 2 weeks

AlexC: that's cool
AlexC: its nice that you wanna talk ethan but I don't really feel comfortable when you haven't told me what's been going on
AlexC: kinda feel like I'm in the dark with everything and to be honest I still don't trust you

That's where the conversation ended

I don't know so if he just didn't want to talk after what I said or if he fell asleep. But after not getting a response, I fell asleep too

Day 2 of captivity was pretty much the same as the first. The day didn't really start picking up until 6th period, which was lunch

The girls and I decided to take out lunches outside and eat in the schoolyard. Me, Lisa, Brianna, and Andrea all sat at a park bench in between the schools backdoors and the basketball court

Brianna was also one of our very close friends and has been since 5th grade. With her inviting personality and amazing style, it's hard for anyone not to like her. Which is why she's loved by many

"Isn't it shitty that I already have two projects due within the next two months?" Andrea groaned as she took her salad out of her brown paper bag

Brianna shakes her head. "You wanna know shitty? I have to read a twelve scene screenplay, memorize a fifteen page script for theater and I'm the new organizer of the media club. I can feel the grey hairs growing in already."

Lisa jumped in. "Weren't you organizer last year? Shouldn't it be the same thing?" She sighed as she lifted her hands to explain. "I was Head Chair of Broadcasting now I am President of Digital media meaning I have control over what this school sees, hears and listens too and what they don't. Very different status from hosting the news and radio shows. Very, very different...kinda a big deal."

Bri looked over to the courtyard and saw Ryder playing basketball with Elion and a couple of their friends. It was as if all her stress was melted away

"Alex you're so lucky." She sighs while her eyes followed his every move. "How am I lucky?" I ask

"Hasn't Ryder had a crush on you since like sixth grade or something?" "No he has not."

"Uh not true." Lisa said after talking a bit of one of her fries. "He told me in seventh grade that he liked you and asked me to ask you if you liked him back."

"You never told me that." I turn my head to her and she stared at me confused. "Alex, I could have sworn I told you." "No, you didn't." "Yeah, I did." "No...you didn't."

She looked off into space for a second. "Oh yeah. I didn't."

"in my defense, that was back when he had braces and a buzzcut, I didn't think he'd turn into...that."

"Puberty hit him like a truck." Andrea says, reminiscing on what he used to look like. Brianna replies, still, heart eyed, "I want him to hit me like a truck."

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