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It's been a month since homecoming. Which means it's been a month since Lemar left. Weirdly I don't miss him. At least, not in a romantic longing type of way. Maybe it's because we were still new to dating each other or that we texted a lot and sometimes FaceTime before bed, maybe

It's more of a long distance friendship than a couple who just broke up feeling

Speaking of couples, Ethan and I have been talking more as well, except only on Instagram. Not full on conversations but short summaries of how our weeks have been

To my knowledge, he hasn't returned to YouTube or any social media other than Twitter since he dropped his video. Neither has Grayson, he says he wouldn't feel right posting without Ethan so he just stopped to focus on his relationship and school

As far as I can tell, Ethan hasn't spoken to Kim, Tim, or Chris at all. Gray says he has brief interactions with him but most of the time he wouldn't even see him. The same for Kim, Tim, and Chris. He hasn't reached out but then again, neither have they

I assume they see each other in the halls at school but I didn't ask. When I asked Ethan about his classes he kind of brushed it off so I never really brought the topic up again

Lucky for me, my final high school experiences was just getting started

"So," Lisa took a seat at our desk in the library. "Mischief night plans are simple. The night before Halloween, we sneak into the school to set up the prank in Principal Kellys office then the lockers for bubble wrap and tissues."

Mischief Night, or Hell night, as many of us hoodlums called it, was our school's official prank night. The night before Halloween, kids from schools all around the district would set up pranks so the next day was Hell for the teachers. Hence the name, Hell night

It's been going strong for so many years that the schools practically leave the doors open so the kids can sneak in, it's better than having broken windows

Now that we're Seniors, we're the leaders of tonight's plan. "Hell nights not even for another week and you have it all planned?" I ask her. "Of course I do. And I've already started crazier things we could do as our final senior prank. This graduating class is going to be remembered. I'll make sure of it."

The bell rings signaling to all the students that study hall was over. We all pack up things and head to the gym for a pep assembly, that will be taken over our last two periods

Lisa, Bri, and I try to find free seats at the bleachers. I spot a couple of empty seats in the far middle and we squeeze our way through

We take our seats and watch the show. We see Andrea run out with the Junior cheer squad and our group begins to cheer and scream her name with a passion. This probably embarrassed her but it was worth it

A couple of minutes go by and our principal comes out into the middle of the gym with a podium

I was already starting to dose off so I didn't really hear what he was saying, all of a sudden our football team ran out in their jerseys and stood in a line next to the podium

My eyes spotted Ryder and Elion. Ryder was our running back and Elion was one of our wide receivers. They both looked proud to be there

One the cheering settled down, Principle Kelly began to speak. "I know we are all excited for the game next Friday. I know I am, being a big fan of football myself, and not only football but charity as well. We have decided to have a broadcasted televised charity football event with another winning team in the country. Whichever team wins will receive a fifty thousand dollar check and will donate one hundred percent of the money to a charity of their choice."

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